167 results found
File structure for connections
Groups for connections, so that it can be more organised.
Maybe let us use an image for the group too?
Look at TablePlus for inspiration 💪1 vote -
New way to close tabs
I love being able to close tabs using middle mouse button click. Please add this.
4 votes -
Create setting to allow displaying data in a "compact/dense" manner
Often when looking at data we want to see the most amount of data on a page, currently the display of results has a LOT of padding.
Give an option to toggle the UI to a compact view.Example is MUI tabole
2 votes -
I'd like if the tabs' scrollbar were wider
I feel like the tabs' scrollbar is very narrow and it would be easier to use it if it were wider,
1 vote -
Add "Documents Per Page" feature it will very helpfull for us
Currently there are only 20 documents per page but if you give a feature to choose documents per page then it's very helpful..
10 votes -
Comment Mode off by default
I'd like to turn off comment mode in the aggregations view by default. Currently this setting does not persist and comment mode is always enabled by default when you create a new aggregation pipeline.
2 votes -
Add plugin for wsl2
Being able to use mongodb-compass within wsl2 like vscode
1 vote -
request zh language
request zh language
1 vote -
Zoom level (Ubuntu 22.04)
Why doesn't Compass remember/record the zoom level we're not comfortable with?
Every time we log in we have to reconfigure it.2 votes -
Natural language to MQL as an API
Multiple use cases require the ability to query the data in MongoDB using Natural language. 'AI copilot' is one such use case where the application developer wants to expose a way for the app's users to get data-backed responses from MongoDB, and the users interact with the copilot in conversational language. Examples of this include - Customer service chatbot, medical assistant, etc.
39 votes -
"I would like to have the capability to adjust the width of columns in the collection table
I would like the ability to adjust, expand, or shrink columns by using the mouse when viewing the table in the 'Documents' section of the collection.
13 votes -
2 votes
Dark Theme is not that cool
The background colour combination of the compass's dark theme stings like a thorn in the eyes.
1 vote -
Always select focused collection in sidebar navigation (Compass)
In the UI of the Compass interface, users navigate through databases and collections primarily via the sidebar. However, there's an aspect of user experience that can be enhanced. Specifically, I am proposing a feature where the sidebar navigation dynamically reflects and highlights the database or collection that is currently in focus in the main tab area.
This means, that when a user selects and works on a particular database or collection, that specific item should automatically become highlighted or marked in the sidebar.
2 votes -
Always select focused collection in sidebar navigation (Compass)
In the UI of the Compass interface, users navigate through databases and collections primarily via the sidebar. However, there's an aspect of user experience that can be enhanced. Specifically, I am proposing a feature where the sidebar navigation dynamically reflects and highlights the database or collection that is currently in focus in the main tab area.
This means, that when a user selects and works on a particular database or collection, that specific item should automatically become highlighted or marked in the sidebar.
1 vote -
Middle clicking collection tab along top should close that tab, rather than requiring pressing the x-mark
Very much like tabs work in browsers
3 votes -
Auto-expand single/specified database
Upon connecting to a server, I would like Compass to auto-expand the database in the sidebar if:
- the database name is in the connection string
- and/or if there is a single database on the server (that is accessible to the user)It would save a click :)
1 vote -
Pretty print queries
An optional button, while querying a collection, that prettifies and formats the queries.
1 vote -
support atClusterTime in ISO time format
Currently atClusterTime has to be specified in Unix timestamp. It would be great if it could support more human format for example ISO format.
5 votes -
open doc
Simply open a document in a modal windows, and enable to edit them.
2 votes
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