167 results found
Let detach mongoh terminal/console
In case we have two monitors, I think is valuable detach the mongoh terminal/console in one explicit window to move it to other monitor. Of course, the option to apply the inverse should be available too.
Thanks for your understanding.
2 votes -
_id field listed first
The _id field is not always visible when browsing through the data, because of the sorting. It would be great if _id is always visible by ensuring it is listed first.
1 vote -
Be able to sort document fields alphabetically
It would be useful to be able to display columns for fields in a document in alphabetical order
21 votes -
Remember collection view mode selected or add an option to save default
Currently, after you switch to table mode in a collections tab, compass won't remember that option when you open a new collection tab. Being table mode user 99% of the time, it would be really useful to remember last mode selected when opening a new tab, or be able to define the default view mode
10 votes -
Keyboard shortcut to change DB/Collection
It would be nice to have a Cmd/Ctrl + P or Cmd/Ctrl + K shortcut like in VS Code or Slack to quickly switch to a different collection or database without having to click around as much.
4 votes -
Maintain collapse state when refreshing
Currently, if you toggled open two or three children and you click the refresh button, it collapses everything back to the root document. If you are developing a feature that edits two or three children deep, every time you test something you must refresh and open those children again. I think this is similar to but is focused on refreshing the same collection rather than tabs.
1 vote -
Remove background animation during connection
For security reasons, MongoDB Compass is running on machines in a Network Zone we connect from our own computers via RDP protocol.
During connection time, MongoDB Compass displays a background animation which consumes huge network bandwidth and if for any reason, network between local and remote is bad, the RDP screen finally freezes and the only choice is to interrupt the connections (between local to Network Zone which breaks the one between Compass and our MongoDB servers).
Can you remove this animation or put an option to remove it please ?2 votes -
Cmd/Ctrl + Enter to Submit Query
After typing a custom query / filter, pressing Ctrl/Cmd + Enter should execute the query.
3 votes -
Be able to save the view option (List, JSON, and Tabular views) when navigating through various databases and collections.
In a more broader perspective, provide a way to preserve settings/customizations in general.
2 votes -
Respect custom roles/Specific Privileges
Currently Compass does not respect collection privileges properly. If you limit access to a particular collection in a DBuser assigned role or specific privileges it shows you no collections.
I have confirmed this with customer support as demonstrated in the file attached.
This is very strange to me, and I don't know why this fairly simple functionality isn't there.
2 votes -
mongosh should be its own tab at the top with output options
I hate how mongosh is at the bottom. It makes it rather hard to see the results as it involves lots of scrolling, I end up having to write a js file and using
in the terminal.
It would be good if it was it's own tab at the top and give options to view the output differently.
The best example I can give is how the robo3t does it. When the data can't be viewed as a tree or table, it just outputs it in text mode.Something like this is super handy for developers and makes it…
5 votes -
Display Documents within a Frame
When clicking on a large collection (or running a long-running filter), the Documents are loaded within the main window and prevents the users from performing any other operation. By displaying data within a subframe (like for the aggregation pipeline builder), users can continue to work without waiting for the documents to load.
1 vote -
Cancel a Preview Operation in the Aggregation Builder
Currently, to cancel a preview operation in the aggregation builder, we have to close the tab and open a new tab, losing any changes to the aggregation pipeline if it hasn't been saved. Making a Cancel Operation feature to stop the Preview would allow the user to continue within the same tab.
1 vote -
Filter the collection list in the collection screen by the "Filter your data" term
The "Filter your data" search box on top of the list of dbs/collections allows to filter databases and collections. In databases with a large number of collections this is very useful to have quick access to the colletion(s) of interest without the need to scroll through the whole collection list in the collections screen.
Unfortunately this filter has no effect on the collections list which ist provided in the collections screen. It would be very useful if this list would also be filtered by the filter term to have the collections of interest side by side with their metrics (Documents,…
1 vote -
i just want to refresh the current database to see the collections that may have changed
....but I can only refresh all the db's, and that loses the selection and I have to go find it again. There are sometimes hundreds of db's in a cluster and the list of databases is not ordered alphabetically (or otherwise that I can tell) and has no db search so its a constant exercise in scrolling to refresh the collections in a db
2 votes -
Add an option to visualize raw json query plans
It should be possible to import a raw execution plan generated with .explain(), and have it visualized in Compass!
Why - so we as developers don't need to read the JSON manually.
This would be very usefull when debugging slow queries using the aggregation framework.
22 votes -
Add color context to title sections for favorite colors
We use color context for ssh terminals when connecting to a production vs qa environments. I've noticed you can color context a Favorite. But if you color only the favorite button, it doesn't give you a full view of if your in production or not.
* Add that color to the background of the title area where the collection name, document count, total size is.
* On the row view section. maybe just a small color icon on the left empty space of each row.2 votes -
MongoSH search command
It could be very useful a command such as "Ctrl+R" in Ubuntu, where you can type some letters and find a command from the command history.
For instance, if I executed "use mydb", "mydb.mycollection.find()" and "use anotherdb", by typing "Ctrl+R" and "use m", there should be anything such as in the ubuntu's terminal that autocompletes the command "use mydb".
1 vote -
2 votes
auto show more fields
I frequently have documents with a lot of fields and it's quite annoying to keep needing to click on SHOW # MORE FIELDS - it would be a nice feature to eitehr
- always show all fields
- after opening, choose to show all fields in current view1 vote
- Don't see your idea?