Support Website
18 results found
Faster time to open case
Right now, in order to open a new support case, you have to search existing items first before being prompted to open something new. This isn't really documented, and really confusing for the user. Maybe something where you start with "Search for an existing article, otherwise create a new support case". We've lost time trying to find how to open a case.
6 votes -
Captcha on the Support Portal
While raising a support ticket, one of my customer faced an issue where the Captcha i.e. the questions for getting in, like "select all images that have a animal in them" was showing up continuously and the customer was unable to log the ticket - Can we please look into an improvement or change this as this could be a blocker while raising support tickets in event of severe outages etc.
5 votes -
Ipv6 support for
When getting the key from we get a ipv4 address but no v6. This means that v6 only sites can’t get the key. Please add support for ipv6.
5 votes -
Allow subscribing to status page components
The MongoDB status page ( is currently configured to allow end users to either subscribe to receive notifications about incidents or you don't subscribe. If you subscribe, you receive notifications about all of the Atlas components. I would like to have the option to only receive notifications about components that we use. For example, we don't use the data lake product. I don't want to receive notifications about incidents related to data lake.
3 votes -
API for automating Manager tasks
I would love to have an API Call for automating adding users to the supportportal project.
We have a big customer where new people need to be added to the supportportal constantly. We want to add them programmatically as they click on a button.3 votes -
Make unreplied comments editable
When creating a case, I often don't spell all the information I consider useful at once, for any tiredness or emotional reason. So I am as often stacking comments to my own case, prior to get any reply from support team. Reply that can take time, highly depending on severity. This brings absolutely no clarity to support tickets and is a later pain to drill down into.
In any forum, one has ability to edit and modify a post until one another replied. Why can't MongoDB Support cases do?
2 votes -
The community blog is painful to use and a lot of little issues compromise the time and experience
The community blog/website is painful to use and a lot of little issues compromise the time and experience. A simple date picker doesn't work. The button to create a new event doesn't work as needed and we need to know the proper link to direct access it.
2 votes -
Ability to add non-project emails in support portal
We would like the ability to add emails to email groups within the support portal that are NOT users in a project. We use functional accounts for project access, rather than user accounts, which means we cannot receive emails for cases, but instead have to continually check the UI for updates.
2 votes -
Your support is terrible.
Your support is terrible. I can not open chat and can not create open case.
2 votes -
Setting image in the comment
In the support website, if user wants to add image preview, then it seems to be NOT possible. If it is possible, may be some tricky work required.
2 votes -
Add ability to export transcript of the case notes
I don't see the ability to download/export a transcript of the communications for a specific case from the support portal. It's beneficial to be able to download the entire history of a case for future reference.
2 votes -
Stop gatekeeping basic onboarding assistance behind a paid support account
As a new user unfamiliar with the platform and looking to do administrative tasks, I feel I should not be required to pay for developer or enterprise support for MongoDB to get answers to questions about configuring my Atlas account.
Questions about user provisioning, authentication, MFA, and other administrative tasks which are part of the onboarding process for a new customer should be answerable without a paid support plan. I've got questions that are not answered in the documentation, but was told a paid support plan would be required to provide answers.
I'm not willing to pay for such a…
2 votes -
Opt out from support per case emails
I'd like to opt out from receiving emails on each new message for support cases in my organization, e.g.
Couldn't find out how to do it.2 votes -
Upload diagnostic information via SFTP
When we utilized percona, each case opened had it's own SFTP information automatically created. This SFTP account could be utilized to upload data to rather than through the Support UI. This was extremely beneficial when we ran in to issues as we could upload all the needed information directly through SFTP from the host that collected all of the information.
2 votes -
Apply filter in search
When you use "Search" function at then you get always search results for all categories (e.g MongoDB Server, Atlas, Java Driver etc.) for all releases.
Usually you know in advance in which category and for which release you are looking for. Would be great to have these filters as query options BEFORE you execute the search. Then I could customize my search bar in Firefox, Chrome, etc. to search desired documentation only in relevant categories and releases.
2 votes -
Provide Support Options For Non-Enterprise Accounts
There are accounts that are non-enteprise but still need access to direct support from MongoDB devs across the board. There are times where requesting assistance in the community forums are missed for months or years. Please provide a reasonably priced option for users to have more timely access to MongoDB support team. It will provide help for smaller/independent accounts and give MongoDB another fair source of revenue.
2 votes -
Include link for MongoDB Software Lifecycle Schedules
Hi Team!
MongoDB CSM here.
I believe including a link to the MongoDB Software Lifecycle Schedules on the Customer Portal, next to the Support Policy one for example, would be of value, especially to our Enterprise Advanced customers.
Thanks in advance for considering this in a future iteration.
2 votes -
When I try to login using my iPhone through LinkedIn internal browser
When I try to login using my iPhone through LinkedIn internal browser.
It’s urgent doesn’t require login to RSVP and participate of the events like MongoDB User Group.
When I open the subscription to the events and use only MongoDB RSVP are too low (around 20~30% compared to Google Forms (no login, just click, fill and done)).
There are many ways to avoid BOTs and similar, require login it's not a good one to bring the community to close.
1 vote
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