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FLE and Queryable Encryption

Client-Side Field Level Encryption (FLE) and Queryable Encryption are In-Use Encryption solutions offered by MongoDB that allow customers to encrypt data at the client-side and keep data encrypted throughout its lifecycle.  Share your ideas of how to make it better! 

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3 results found

  1. CSFLE - Support native key rotation with Azure Key Vault

    Hello MongoDB Product Manager,

    We use the CSFLE functionality with Azure Key Vault as a key manager and everything works fine except the management of the master key (CMK) and its rotation.

    All because it is not possible to use Azure Key Vault's native key rotation functionality to perform our rotations on a regular basis.

    The ability to use this functionality would allow us to automate rotation at the master key level using native Azure Key Vault functionality. The "Rotation policy" feature allows us to automatically manage the rotation process of a key (notification, rotation, deactivation, etc.). Using this feature…

    11 votes
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  2. Switch for returning encrypted blob when providing old DEK

    When rotating keys, we would like the option to still be able to fetch old documents with fields encrypted with an old DEK, exactly like what happens when we're querying documents without a DEK at all.
    This could be done with a bool switch when setting up the client settings

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  3. Provide a Debian 11.0 ARM 64 Crypt Shared library

    There is no ARM 64 version of the Crypt Shared library available for Debian 11.0 here:

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FLE and Queryable Encryption


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