41 results found
Share aggregation pipelines across clusters/namespaces and with other people
Aggregations can be saved in Compass but they are only accessible in the Aggregation Builder for the specific cluster and namespace. It would be good to be able to reuse pipelines across different clusters and namespaces (e.g. I build it against my staging database but then I want to also test it in prod).
It would also be great to have a way to share a library of pipelines with the rest of the team. In the ideal scenario, pipelines would be versioned and multiple people would be able to contribute to a shared library of pipelines.
26 votesWith the new My Queries screen we introduced in Compass 1.31 it's possible to see and search for all queries and aggregations in one place and if the namespace they were originally built against is not available in the current cluster, it's possible to apply them to a different namespace.
Sharing with other people is not possible yet but from the My Queries screen it's possible to copy a pipeline in one click.
Prompt to save pipeline in case Compass is closed accidentally
It's a human tendency to forget to continuously save an authored pipeline while constructing it. We might create a large pipeline and forget to save it before closing MongoDB Compass.
Similar, to other softwares please add a prompt to Compass in a situation when changes are not saved before closing it.
17 votes -
Possibility to set variables used in pipeline stages
Hi !
It would be really handfull to have the possibility to use variables in the pipeline stages:var userId = ObjectId("5f61dfadc1e8960001700da8'")
$match : { : userId}
}for complex queries, it would avoid having to modify the id at each stages.
Thanks !9 votes -
In aggregation view, add the possibility to add a stage Before or After
In aggregation view, add the possibility to add a stage Before or After.
MongoDB Compass + Atlas
7 votes -
Aggregation Pipeline builder, allow hints
Allow setting hint to enable index debugging and optimizations
6 votes -
Autogenerated random values in numbers based on ObjectId
This is the basic suggestion from my side.we have a unique "_id" in each document while inserting the data can we make any changes in your code for example in our company we have one scenario while working on the aggregation query they need auto-generated value in numbers so it is not possible in the MongoDB.
so I thought we can do that thing based on the _id. because we have a unique field then i converted the _id to string and separated the numbers and alphabetic separately but we don't have unique values the after separating the numbers from the objectId.
6 votes -
SQL to Aggregation framework converter
The intent would be to run SQL queries directly on MongoDB Compass or convert them to aggregations
5 votes -
Aggregation editor improvements
settings for the following:
- Turn off auto-pairs (some people really are not used to typing with it)
- Vim keybinds (somewhat joking, but also not)
- View full documentation within Compass.
- Currently it seems the website manual is the only place to view documentation, being able to see it within Compass would be helpful
- Quick reference for operators / expressions
- Font settings (increase, boldness, change font).Really just turning off auto-closing brackets would be great.
4 votes -
Add Ai to stage wizard
currently stage wizard has built in suggestions, maybe if it becomes integrated with AI would become much more amazing
3 votes -
aggregation pipeline verification before deleting
When opening a saved pipeline - the "open" button is adjacent to the bin (cancel) button and clicking on the bin deletes the pipeline without a chance to regret.
3 votes -
Store aggregation pipeline export language
Each time you start a new aggregation, the export language is always "Python 3"., so if you're using different language, you have to set the wanted language each and every time you change the active collection or open a new tab...
The default selected language could be:
- the last used language (easier but still efficient)
- the last used language for this connection
- the last used language for this collection
- a language configured as "preferred language" when adding a connection as favorite
- a language configured as "preferred language" at the app level...3 votes -
Edit facet stages
Right now, if we add a facet stage into the aggregation pipeline, we have to write the rest of the aggregation query manually. Users should be able to edit the sub-pipelines within a facet stage.
3 votes -
Aggregation Error Verbosity
It would be a real boon to have the aggregation pipeline builder report errors with any degree of verbosity. Right now it just says "unknown error ocurred", and I have to move my pipeline down to the shell to get a real error message.
3 votes -
2 votes
Export or save in the acount the saved aggregations.
Just a simple way to save the aggregations.
2 votes -
Aggregation pipelines history for recently used aggregations.
Aggregation pipelines that have been used recently should also be saved similar to how search queries are stored.
2 votes -
Changestream support!
On each collection, right next to the aggregation tab (or inside aggregation tab), just add a tab for changestream! And similar to the aggregation tab, where u can see all the previews for each aggregation step, users should be able to do same based on the oplogs.
2 votes -
Aggregation pipeline stage labels
We would like the ability to input custom labels on aggregation pipeline stages. This would allow us to categorize or add more top/app-level context to each stage.
A draft of the implementation is in the attached uploaded image, where you can click to add label on the title bar of each stage card, with ability to view the label onHover of each stage of the execution bar.
2 votes -
Avoid running queries on an ongoing condition writing. (match, lookup...)
when performing a match, lookup or other similar ops, Don't run the query as I write the conditions but only when I'm done. this will improve speed significantly and will prevent crashes due to lack of memory on very large sets.
when an operation that filters data occurs, you can add a small toggle btn when I'm done writing the query, and only then perform the search.
another idea is to add a boolean field named done which on init will be set to false, and when a user is done writing the query it sets it last to true.…2 votes -
I would like $match expression to not evaluate 15*24*60*60*1000 expression with the date, instead use the literal expression
When translating the following aggregation code, Compass evaluates the expression with the date. I would like to have a feature where it translates the literal expression to the available language.
Example of aggregation code:
"date": {$gte: new Date((new Date().getTime() - (15 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)))}2 votes
- Don't see your idea?