- A brief description of what you are looking to do
- How you think this will help
- Why this matters to you
1366 results found
Display replica set members' Availability Zone details
The AZ details (ideally including the AZ ID) for each replica set member would be helpful to display in the Atlas UI, mainly to easily verify nodes are distributed across AZs.
52 votesThank you all for your feedback!
We hear you loud and clear and are working on exposing these details in the next quarter.
Allow custom DNS hostnames to be added to cluster config / TLS certs
Since Atlas clusters now support different sets of hostnames, it would be good to explore the feasibility of allowing users to add their own hostnames to the cluster configuration and TLS certificates such that custom connection strings can be used.
One use case for this is being able to "wrap" Atlas connection strings, such that an application's connection string would never need to change despite underlying cluster changes (cluster being moved between projects, etc.)
This could also be useful if you wished to whitelabel your cluster.
50 votes -
GCP Export Cloud Backup Snapshot support
Currently "Export Cloud Backup Snapshot" is a really good feature for off-line backups, but it only supports S3. This is quite limiting for organisations that don't use AWS. It would be really good if it also supported GCP Cloud Storage.
48 votesHi All, As an update we do have this on our roadmap. We are currently working to improve the consistency of sharded cluster exports and then we will tackle Exports to GCP later this year. The best estimate at this time is by the end of this year (2024) to have exports to GCP GA'ed. I will update here if theres a chance that we can deliver that sooner
Allow auto-scale for IOPS.
Allow auto-scale for IOPS.
48 votes -
Create distinct indexes for Analytics nodes
To effectively use Workload Isolation, it is desirable to have different indexes on the operational cluster nodes than the indexes used to support analytics and reporting query patterns. It would be powerful for Atlas to enable different indexes on Analytics nodes.
47 votes -
Adding indexes using terraform
Ability to add indexes after new clusters are created using Terraform and data has been loaded. It will help in more automation and auto recovery.
43 votes -
Enable Removal of a Subset Documents From Online Archive
We'd like to have the ability to remove documents from an Online Archive. Mainly based on a date, but possibly other criteria.
42 votesWe’re currently researching the best way to add support for this.
Project teams
I think it would be a good idea to have team management at project level.
We have many projects and members in our Atlas account.
I'm a organization owner. The people in my organization use the Altas service. I create
a project for them and give my colleagues the project owner authorizations.Project owners can invite other members. This is good. But it's a little inconsistent that
they are not able to create groups or teams within their projects They have to manage the permissions for each member separately.We can't use organization teams, because they are located at…
42 votes -
A terraform resource for managing user access to the console
We have a platform (as code using Terraform) where we integrate Mongo Atlas in AWS. We have multiple teams with various privileges who access the Mongo Atlas console daily basis. We would always like to manage the users in our version control. As Terraform is one of the best infrastructure configuration tools, we would like to have a terraform resource in order to manage the users via.
41 votes -
Make session timeout in Atlas UI configurable
Session timeout value in Atlas UI defaults at 12h. Allow it to be configurable per Project or Organization, with the minimum value being 15 minutes. All Atlas users within an organization that have been idle for the duration of the configured session timeout should be automatically logged out.
40 votes -
Backup snapshots on a single database or collection
I would like to be able to configure backup snapshots of a single database or collection on a schedule or continuously. This feature would help projects that need snapshots but only on a subset of data. Cluster-level, topology dependent snapshots may not be appropriate or make sense financially for all projects.
39 votes -
Make BI Connector Settings Permanent
Allow the "SET GLOBAL mongodbmaxvarcharlength = n" to be permanent after a Mongosqld restart. Currently, the setting is ephmeral and must be set everytime the mongosqld daemon is restarted. Currently, our production environment mongosqld can restart without our knowledge at anytime. This results in the mongodbmaxvarharlength variable being reset to zero, which can lead to a production outage. Is there anyway this can be automated, maybe through database trigger?
39 votes -
Add a single-node option.
mLab had the option to create a single-node deployment, which was very nice for development environments where redundancy isn't important, but keeping costs down is.
Would be nice to see this in Atlas as well.
37 votes -
API - Version 2
We saw that the api version is now in v2 for some resources (as clusters) -
We tried to change some App services functions from v1 to v2, but ended resulting in some errors (or needing to add more parameters than the original one - in version 1).
Using version 1, we only inform what we need to change ("instanceSize") plus the use version 2, we need to inform all this parameters (if it's a replica-set. If it is a sharding we also need to inform the numShards):
"replicationSpecs":[{"regionConfigs":[{"electableSpecs":{"instanceSize":"M10","nodeCount":"3"},"priority":"7","providerName":"GCP","regionName":"CENTRAL_US"}]}]}What I need to change is only the…
36 votes -
Add "scheduled scaling/suspend" option for certain clusters
There should be an option to schedule scale up/down or suspending/resuming at specified time & day.
For example, DEV environments could be auto-suspended at 6pm and resume at 8am on weekdays, and be suspended all weekend.
Production clusters could be scaled down e.g. from M80->M60 every evening and on weekends rather than being suspended completely.
This would help save money but would need to be coordinated with the existing auto-scaling based on load.
This would need to be at the cluster level since sometimes different clusters in a single project could have different workload patterns.
35 votes -
Atlas UI (Data Explorer): Export feature .csv/.json option for collection integrated into (JS) MongoDB Atlas Cloud
Have an Export feature WITHIN Atlas UI (Data Explorer) where user can perform (select collection and export as .csv/.json directly from the website without using Compass/data dump) option for collection integrated into (JS) MongoDB Atlas Cloud.
34 votes -
Compact collection from UI
Compacting of a collection directly from the MongoDB Atlas website UI.
No need to run CLI commands and changing primary database.
Making regular maintenance easier.
33 votes -
Add the ability to trigger alerts for testing purposes
It would be useful to have a "Test Alert" button for each configured alert in order to integrate and test alerts with third-party systems. Otherwise, it is difficult if not impossible to determine what the alert will look like until it is triggered.
33 votes -
Autoscaling - CPU/ Memory Utilization duration monitor - Minutes
Hi, Currently there is no option to initiate auto scaling during heavy workload/ requests comes and the cpu/ memory utilization is 75% for the even within
- 5 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 45 minutesThe system has to wait for 1 hour to autoscale to next tier.This one of the concerns for the heavy workload applications.
Add a custom duration option as
- minutes also while monitoring the cpu / memory utilization
Example : When a CPU / Memory utilization is above 75% for the past 15 minutes , move the cluster to the next tier…
33 votes -
Yellow exclamation icon should have a tooltip or explanation
Often in the cluster card, or in the cluster panel, one or more processes are marked with a yellow warning icon (instead of a green dot). However there is no indication about what this means or how to fix it.
Can there be a tooltip or explanation about what this icon represents?
33 votes
- Don't see your idea?