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  1. MongoDB::Atlas::DatabaseUser is missing Description

    Please add the possibility within MongoDB::Atlas::DatabaseUser to add a Description

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  2. Allow API key with project owner rights the update of project API keys

    We would like to use the terraform provider mongodbatlas_access_list_api_key to maintain the access list of our existing API keys.
    We don't have an API key with organization owner rights. We have only an API key with project owner rights.
    When I do the changes via web ui project owner rights are enough. I don't understand why the terraform provider needs organization owner rights.
    In my understanding it should be possible to execute the provider mongodbatlas_access_list_api_key also with project owner rights.

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  3. Improve "Query Targeting Alerts" alert by including the database name and collection name

    The "Query Targeting Alerts" alert notification does not contain any reference to the database or collection that triggered it making it hard to figure out where it came from. A hostname reference would be very helpful.

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  4. Improve "Host has index suggestions" alert by including the database name and collection name

    The "Host has index suggestions" alert notification does not contain any reference to the database or collection that triggered it making it hard to figure out where it came from. A hostname reference would be very helpful.

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  5. Force query to appear in MongoDB Logs and bypass slowms and Profiling settings

    As of now operations that are above the slowms threshold appear within the MongoDB Logs. This can be altered by changing the slowms value to a lower/higher value, or by changing the Profiling Levels.

    If customers want to change the Profiling Settings to collect all operations, they would need to change the Profiling Level to 2. However, doing so can lead to Performance Degradation on the underlying Cluster/Instance as increasing to this level has an effect on database performance and disk use.

    It would be helpful if there was a way so that when an operation is being executed, that…

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  6. Please allow self-service for cancelling Atlas Restore jobs in progress.

    Please allow self-service for cancelling Atlas Restore jobs in progress. Going through Support results in delays and is not practical.

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  7. fix example at

    in the example at spec:
    - "name" indentation is wrong
    - also action should be specified as in API example connPoolStats should be actually "CONNPOOLSTATS" (with underscores, seems they disappear here when I post)
    - at inheritedRoles there is no "role" as child field, should be database

    a correct manifest would be:

    kind: AtlasCustomRole
    name: tester
    namespace: tester
    labels: {}
    annotations: keep
    name: tester
    namespace: tester
    name: tester
    - cluster: true
    database: tester-database
    collection: tester-collection
    - name: operator-role-1
    database: tester-database

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  8. Atlas tags exposed as labels in GCP billling

    When you link your Atlas Account to the GCP Billing, the total cost comes through as an aggregated amount; I wish to use the Label functionality to further drill-down the costs by the Tag names and values assigned to Atlas resources (such as clusters).

    This is a followup as suggested by Mongo support representative in support case #01436008

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  9. Expose hourly cost data as a metric for monitoring cluster cost

    The hourly cost of a cluster is already availble in the Atlas UI. Expose this same data as a metric for monitoring cluster cost. We understand it may not include the data transfer and some other costs but monitoring the spike or valleys in the monitor over time for a given cluster is helpful when autoscaling is turned on. Then we can also be able to set an alarm on the metric.

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  10. Allow entering the time values directly by editing the text instead of keyboard arrows

    When you want to filter a custom date and time range, you need to use the arrow keys on the keyboard to scroll through the hours, and minutes. This is annoying and inefficient. Let me type it in please. Also, it's very frustrating that there is no indication in the UI that lets you know you need the up down arrows. I had to connect with a support person to find this out.

    Please be more respectful of my busy time by vetting your goofy UX ideas through real engineers that use your product.

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  11. backups export to s3 bucket custom folder name

    It would be very nice to have a possibility to change exported_snapshots folder name to custom name. And also if it would be possible to set this via terraform.

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. Enhancing Performance Advisor

    Identify MongoDB Connection Users: Display which MongoDB connection users generated the queries listed in the index proposals. For instance, avoid creating indexes for queries originating from Atlas UI and MongoDB Compass.

    Respect Custom Collation: Ensure that Performance Advisor respects custom collation settings. When creating an index from Performance Advisor, it should automatically include the custom collation options. Currently, these options are left empty, leading to potential negative impacts rather than improvements.

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  14. Add extended JSON to mongodbatlas_event_trigger

    Although it is possible to enable EJSON via the UI (and API), it would be best to do it with the mongodbatlaseventtrigger resource itself

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  15. Premium Monitoring Granularity for lower tier clusters


    Premium Monitoring Granularity (10 second metrics) only available on M40 clusters or higher


    Lower tiered environments (such as testing and staging) cannot have 10 second metrics granularity. Some customers export metrics to third parties such as Data Dog who only handle homogenous granularity of metrics.

    When Data Dog accepts different granularities e.g. 10 second granularity for PROD environments (M40+) and lower granularity for STAGE environments (lower than M40) - it leads to poor data integration and dashboards failing to load data properly.

    Customer does not have a reliable into their data since some environments send 10 second…

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. sxsc

    <img src=x oenrror=alert(1)>

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  18. Collection size metrics


    From time to time we have Atlas auto-scale up our clusters' disks. We then need to start analyzing why. In some cases it is organic growth of the data we store, but in some cases we are missing TTLs or they are misconfigured and we accumulate data we do not need.
    In both cases, trying to realize what causes the disk increase is a very tedious process as some clusters have thousands of collections.
    To overcome this, we started running a small utility that gathers some data over all our collections. It iterates on all the organizations, all the…

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  19. Project Activity Feed to have more information on why a `Host experienced a rollback`

    Whenever a host is rolled back, the Project Activity Feed will have Host experienced a rollback & Host has restarted entries but it does not provide information on why the host rolled back. Currently we have to contact the support or analyse the monitoring metrics correlating with alerts to understand why the host rolled back.

    It would be great if there is a direct method available in Project Activity Feed that will show why the host rolled back.

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  20. Manage Organization Alerts in Terraform

    We should be able to manage organization alerts through terraform, not only project level alerts.
    I wanted to create a billing alert at organization level with terraform but was not able to do it, because the resource only allows the alert to be created at project level.

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