Atlas UI (Data Explorer): Export feature .csv/.json option for collection integrated into (JS) MongoDB Atlas Cloud
Have an Export feature WITHIN Atlas UI (Data Explorer) where user can perform (select collection and export as .csv/.json directly from the website without using Compass/data dump) option for collection integrated into (JS) MongoDB Atlas Cloud.

James commented
+1 for this. Using Compass is not an option for me, it would be very helpful to export from Atlas UI
Benjamin commented
I would be very interested in this feature and the value for any compliance and auditing purposes.
Tom commented
We absolutely need this.
Just to shed some light on our use case here, neither MongoDB Compass nor `mongoexport` support MFA for user login making them insecure options for our environment. Atlas does support MFA. We would like to give our Atlas users (who have MFA by default) the option to export MongoDB data to JSON.
Cédric commented
I would add that exporting the aggregation result from the UI would too be valuable.
Joe commented
We also need import.
Kanika Singla commented
Same for import as well :)
This is a great idea. There are many great capabilities that MongoDB Compass has that we just haven't been able to build into MongoDB Atlas yet, and we expect that pattern to continue since Compass iterates so quickly. I hope we will be able to bring this directly into MongoDB Atlas in the future.