Adding indexes using terraform
Ability to add indexes after new clusters are created using Terraform and data has been loaded. It will help in more automation and auto recovery.

esyoil commented
Seems like this is dependent on the missing delete / edit index endpoints in the Administration API as Melissa said. Voting here too would help bring it to attention:
Tim Tim commented
This would be nice to have for us as well.
It is not necessarily great practice to separate the creation of indexes as part of the CICD process rather than having it incorporated in the terraform itself.
JC Imbeault commented
The lack of this feature is what prevents us from recommending that we migrate any more workloads to Atlas. Infrastructure as code is a best practice and the lack of support is a deal-breaker.
Stefan, there is still no underlying endpoints in the Atlas Admin API that allow full control of the index lifecycle so we have no plans at this time to add index management to Terraform (there is one to allow only creation of an index in a rolling fashion but we would be unable to update or delete that index via the admin API). Indexes can be created via scripts or the shell as part of your CI/CD process.
If this changes we will update the status of this feedback. Thank you,
Melissa -
Stefan commented
Hi, is there any news on this? I guess it would be good to have it as infrastructure as code, due to best practices for index management!