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  1. we should be able to develop library of ML algorithms as plug-ins

    we should be able to plug in the already developed algorithms say from GitHub or any other repository

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  2. Show billing amount on top all the time

    Would be nice if I can see my current billing on top all the time, even in Atlas, like it used to be before UI change. Thanks.

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  3. Support multiple LDAP servers and TLS connection options

    When integrating my Atlas project with an LDAP service, we want to specify multiple LDAP servers rather than just one, and to specify options for the TLS connection such as allowing invalid hostnames. Both of these can be done in self-managed MongoDB Enterprise.

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  4. Stitch - use the same function to resend confirmation as when initially signing up

    When signing up with Email/Pwd, one of the options is to have the confirmation run through a function.
    In that function, a call to an external email provider has been set up to use a template with a logo.

    However, the "token" & "tokenId" parameters provided in the link are only valid for 30'.

    This makes it likely for people to be too late to confirm their email address.

    When calling "resendConfirmationLink", an email with a new link will indeed be sent out, but this is the standard MongoDB email. This request is to have this "resend" use the same…

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  5. Allow default settings on alerts on project/organization level

    It would be great if there was a way to set the default notification channels for alerts on the project and organization level.

    I was recently informed by the support team that there is no possible way of doing so, and that all alerts should be changed individually rather than for the whole project in one go.

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  6. Ability to change First and Last Name

    It would be good if users are able to modify their First and Last Name after account creation.

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  7. Make use of lazyloading, and use dynamic frontend components

    The cloud atlas frontend is very buggy, and not usable at all, even with a fast connection takes minutes to load a page on click.

    I think we are loading all the components and required data from server side.
    Instead we can simply load the core components, and show a user friendly spinner, that will stop spinning once content is loaded via an XHR request. This would be so much more user friendly, just showing them a spinner (maybe estimated time as well).

    Currently the page stays blank white, which is terrible UX.

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  8. ) User A login inot Mongo Portal 2) He selects an organization and sends an invitation to User B 3) Now in the Activity Feed menu we can see

    1)User A login inot Mongo Portal
    2) He selects an organization and sends an invitation to User B
    3) Now in the Activity Feed menu we can see User B was invited to the organization
    4)Before the user B accepts the invitation , User A goes and deletes the pending invitation
    5)Nothing is shown in activity feed.

    This would help products which are integrating with MongoDB atlas to get the true status of pending invitations.

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  9. Add colors to Backup times

    Hi can I suggest a feature to the developers? Can the developers add colors to the Backup times? Because I have accidentally Backup an instance at 3:21 PM instead of a 3:21 AM I wanted. The colors will definitely help prevent such accidents from happening. It would also be nice if the developers can ensure that Backup times are not the same for AM and PM. Thanks!

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  10. Project Homepage / Ability to add descriptions to Atlas projects

    We have a lot of Atlas projects in our org, some are outdated, unused, orphaned, some important and used for production. It would be great to have a way to describe what each of them are for, who to contact for questions, etc.

    For example, when you switch to a project, you land on the project homepage that has the description right there, alongside an overview of how many clusters, users, last change, if whitelists are enabled etc. Even better if I can use Markdown or some other "rich" editing experience to create the description and add links, bullet points,…

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  11. Field with name "_id" not editable in the Atlas Collections UI.

    1. Add a collection
    2. Add an object field
    3. Add a string field to that object. Call it _id.
    4. Enter some value Save it.
    5. Try to Edit by clicking on the edit button.
    6. Try editing the value of _id (string) field. Not happening.
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  12. Add Option to Disable Federated Authentication Automatic Account Creation

    Based on the documentation it appears there is no option available to disable automatic account creation when Federated Authentication is used.

    The business case for disabling automatic account creation is to allow a limited set of users from the Identity Provider to have access to Atlas and the databases, while not allowing anyone with an account in the same domain to create an Atlas/Database account.

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. mongodb compass

    a faster mongodb compass installation that is taking forever to do so.

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  15. Stitch email translations

    The Stitch confirmation and reset password emails for the Email/Password Provider are now only in English.

    A page where you could translate these emails, would be very useful.

    Now we must use the function method, which is more work. I suspect a lot of people would want this feature (all non English markets).

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  16. Allow direct access to support portal when using custom federation URL

    When logging into the support portal using, if federation is enabled, the user is redirected to their identity provider based on their domain, authenticated, and then redirected to the support portal.

    However, if the custom URL for the identity provider is used, the user is always redirected to the Atlas interface. We would like to request that this custom URL be able to target an endpoint other than Atlas, such as the Support Portal.

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  17. Allow me to pay for a month of "developer" level support without committing to a subscription

    AWS lets you pay for a month of support at any time.
    My understanding of MongoDB support is that if you discontinue support and then start again a year later, you have to pay for all the interim months.
    Another way of doing this would be to pay per-incident. I like the monthly model better because it would work for people just getting started to ask a lot of questions.

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  18. Bulk multiple delete

    Especially during testing, when you create masses of bogus, invalid records, would it be nice to have a better interface for batch deletion. Having selected multiple records I should be able to delete them in one go, which is not the case currently. There are multiple way to solve it UI-wise - won't dig into details.

    Also, sometimes the whole collection becomes worthless, in which case a button "Clear collection" would be a handy tool.

    I understand the safety concerns for collections which are in production. Maybe we could flag project/collection as development/production - in which case some features would…

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  19. Zapier Integration

    Currently The Mongo Atlas connection string is not supported by Zapier! What??

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  20. Provide size (in bytes) in `GET /groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/backup/snapshots` Public API call for each `snapshotId`

    What is the problem that needs to be solved? Provide size (in bytes) in GET /groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/backup/snapshots Public API call for each snapshotId

    Why is it a problem? (the pain) You're doing your own automation with manual restore, and you can't programmatically know the actual filesize of .tar.gz file you'll be downloading for each snapshotId listed in GET /groups/{GROUP-ID}/clusters/{CLUSTER-NAME}/backup/snapshots Public API call until you actually download .tar.gz file for each snapshotId.

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