Stitch - use the same function to resend confirmation as when initially signing up
When signing up with Email/Pwd, one of the options is to have the confirmation run through a function.
In that function, a call to an external email provider has been set up to use a template with a logo.
However, the "token" & "tokenId" parameters provided in the link are only valid for 30'.
This makes it likely for people to be too late to confirm their email address.
When calling "resendConfirmationLink", an email with a new link will indeed be sent out, but this is the standard MongoDB email. This request is to have this "resend" use the same function as the original confirmation.
Or, if possible, instead of having only "token, tokenId, username", also include a 4th parameter that could be either 'confirm' or 'resend'. This parameter could be used to use different email templates to indicate to the user that this is a "resend-email" rather than an "initial confirmation" to welcome the user.