Allow me to pay for a month of "developer" level support without committing to a subscription
AWS lets you pay for a month of support at any time.
My understanding of MongoDB support is that if you discontinue support and then start again a year later, you have to pay for all the interim months.
Another way of doing this would be to pay per-incident. I like the monthly model better because it would work for people just getting started to ask a lot of questions.

Hi Jason,
You may have seen that AWS's model has built-in protection for folks that abuse it "We reserve the right to refuse to provide AWS Support to any customer that frequently registers for and terminates the service."
In the interests of transparency, our goal over here at MongoDB Cloud is the same: We want to ensure that you're getting the help you need when you need it, while also protecting ourselves from abuse. Support subscriptions are a little bit like insurance, with the business model around them predicated on the assumption that they're enabled most of the time, with help provided a subset of time therein.
Put another way, running a world class support team with incredible technical talent that can provide end to end assistance to customers is something that is a major business investment, and something that needs to be delivered as part of a broader business strategy.
I will share with you that contrary to what the cancellation modal implies, we do not currently bill you for the time between canceling and re-activating Atlas Developer in the future (in other words, our billing engine simply doesn't actually follow through on that). We will monitor and look for signs of abuse, however, and I do anticipate implementing logic to back-bill for up to three months in future for this case.
By the way, we offer the first month free, *and* provide as much assistance as we can through our in-app chat to everyone included pro bono in the core Atlas service.
-Andrew(Edited by admin)