Atlas Search
160 results found
Allow the ability to test Atlas Search locally
We need text search to "somehow" work locally and ci.
We've a multiregional team and development has to continue if there are internet problems in one of our offices.
Our workflow consists of :
unitTest using in-memory-mongodb
local testing, using the developers local mongo instance
test env testing with a QA team (using atlas, but <30m)
production launch
With the current feature set, the first time we can test a feature is on production. Even if low-tier availability was there the other two issues are blockers as we won't just ditch TDD for textSearch.
366 votesNow in Public Preview: Introducing a Local Experience for Atlas, Atlas Search, and Atlas Vector Search with the Atlas CLI
Please feel to reply with feedback or leave comments. Happy to connect directly and include your team in our Early Access Program to provide additional help.
Allow $search to be a later stage in the aggregation pipeline
Currently $search is required to be the first stage in the aggregation pipeline. It would be more intuitive if we could use after other operators, such as $match.
90 votes -
Support Partial Indexing
We have a large collection but would only like to index the most recent entries, which would reduce the amount of space and resources it would take to index and query.
64 votes -
Support for nested datatype search
It appears that Atlas Search does not yet support nested documents in arrays like MongoDB
41 votes -
Target $search queries to specific shards
Currently, sharded $search queries are scatter-gather queries and they cannot be targeted to specific shards. This is an enhancement request to target $search queries to specific shards, and thereby make them more efficient/performant.
30 votes -
Support Decimal128
Enable indexing and querying of near and range operators for Decimal128.
29 votes -
Atlas Search on serverless instances
I'd like to use Atlas Search on Atlas Serverless.
24 votes -
Support more complex groupings in facets
The facet collector groups results by values or ranges in the specified faceted fields and it currently returns the count for each of those groups. However, besides counting, it would be good to have facets also support more complex groupings, such as averages.
This is a feature request to have facets support complex groupings, and expand its capabilities beyond generating counts for various buckets.
24 votes -
geoWithin metadata reporting searchDistance
Using geoWithin in the $search aggregation pipeline lets me use the search indexes, but it doesn't let me see the distance. I'd love to have a distanceField or perhaps a $meta that reports searchDistance similar to the one we have for searchScore
23 votes -
Support ObjectID as a datatype for search facets
I'm really interested in using search facets to boost search performance, but one of the fields that I want to filter by is an ObjectId.
I believe the only supported facet types are [date, numberFacet, stringFacet].
20 votes -
Hierarchical/Multi-Level filters/facets.
As a user, I'd like to be able to compute faceted counts on multi-levels of categorization.
20 votes -
Return results from within arrays
I have a document that looks like this:
shoppingList: [ { name: "red hat"}, { name: "green shoes"} ]
}I would like to query $search for "green" and return {name: "green shoes"} instead of returning the entire document.
19 votes -
Atlas search to provide the ability to query number (long/double) fields
When querying mongo using atlas search, today it requires that the query parameter be a string. Ideally, I would like to be able to also search using numbers. Our stakeholders want the ability to type into a dropdown select field , type a number, and have it pull back a list of data.
Today, we are using atlas search to query against a multiple set of fields, and pull back the most relevant results. It would be nice to include number fields as part of our index in order to allow those same stakeholder the ability to query by the…
15 votesAdmin mistake! Long Numbers are also still unavailable. Reopening this and I am sorry for the confusion.
Allow faceting on boolean fields
Right now you can only facet on string, number, date fields. would like to also be able to facet on boolean fields.
14 votes -
Support for Index Partitions
When I reach Lucene's 2 billion document limit, I would prefer to partition my index instead of being forced to Shard my database.
14 votes -
Support Collation for Atlas search sort
I have a use case to sort by product names (strings). We have products that start with letters and some that start with numbers. Currently, the products that begin with numbers are always at the top when you sort in ascending order. We would like to sort alphanumerically so that the products beginning with letters are displayed first and those with numbers at the very end.
It would therefore be nice if the $search operator could support collations with the sort parameter.
See: votes -
$bucketAuto for number facets
As a developer, I would like to have functionality for NumberFacets similar to the $bucketAuto operator, so that I can define the number of buckets I want instead of setting the boundaries myself.
This function is helpful in situations where you don't know the boundaries or can't calculate them easily.
myNumberFacet: {
type: 'number'
path: ''
buckets: 1000
}13 votes -
Automatically recreate Atlas Search indexes on a collection after the collection is dropped and recreated or overwritten
Currently, if you use the $out aggregation stage to modify a collection with an Atlas Search index, you must delete and re-create the search index. Also, if another collection is renamed with dropTarget:true to an existing collection that already has Atlas Search indexes on it, then it is necessary to recreate the Atlas Search indexes after the collection rename completes (which involves dropping the original collection).
This is a feature request to automatically recreate the pre-existing Atlas Search indexes on a collection after that collection is dropped and recreated (using either $out or renameCollection).
12 votes -
Analzye Endpoint or Analysis Screen
Please show how an index is analyzed based on a given index definition.
12 votes -
MongoT (Atlas Search) logs available
Provide mongot logs (Atlas Search) available to the customers to be downloaded and analyzed like right now it is possible to download and analyze mongod logs (classic db).
11 votes
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