Allow the ability to test Atlas Search locally
We need text search to "somehow" work locally and ci.
We've a multiregional team and development has to continue if there are internet problems in one of our offices.
Our workflow consists of :
unitTest using in-memory-mongodb
local testing, using the developers local mongo instance
test env testing with a QA team (using atlas, but <30m)
production launch
With the current feature set, the first time we can test a feature is on production. Even if low-tier availability was there the other two issues are blockers as we won't just ditch TDD for textSearch.

Now in Public Preview: Introducing a Local Experience for Atlas, Atlas Search, and Atlas Vector Search with the Atlas CLI
Please feel to reply with feedback or leave comments. Happy to connect directly and include your team in our Early Access Program to provide additional help.
Luke commented
In case anyone else finds it useful, here’s a nice way to use the new Atlas Local container for Java CI/CD managed by TestContainers: -
Luke commented
This seems like the solution right? -
Walton commented
Atlas cli does not support local deployments on Ubuntu. This is a blocker for adoption by our team
gregory commented
This is critical. Atlas engineer advised us to use atlas search to better optimise some parts of our app, but this is going to break all local environments so it's a no go.
Could someone from Atlas reach out to propose an alternative that works locally? -
Lance Martin commented
This would be an absolute must for our team. I can't begin to tell you how badly we need this right now. -
Patrick commented
Any update on this?
As suggested by many, Why not go for an approach like this:- release a docker image on docker hub which contains the necessary code for Atlas search
- make this container connect to a local mongodb via env vars
- limit the usage somehow, e.g.:
- limit speed for searches
- index a maximum of x documents per search index
- ...Nobody wants to steal intellectual property here, we just want a setup to run identical code on local dev environments, staging and production.
Ryan Sullivan commented
This is critical to our team. The ability to run fully local, isolated instance of Atlas in our CI environment is basically a required feature for us.
Stanislav Slesarev commented
While there is a workaround to have a M0 cluster with Atlas Search for the test purposes, it would be much better to have a possibility to run the tests and the CI w/o the internet connection. So it's better to have at least some kind of atlas search mock available in the MongoDB locally installed.
Neil Goldader commented
Similarly to many on this thread, I was excited to begin utilizing Atlas Search in my company's platform, only to discover that it was impossible for us to use it against a locally running Mongo instance, or in our CI. I'd love if there was even rudimentary (slow) support added to the self-hostable MongoDB, so we could use it when developing locally and testing in CI!
I'm afraid that without this being in place, my team will be unable to confidently adopt Atlas Search.
Carlos commented
Please, we really would welcome this feature. It's a real pain having to rely on a network connection to a server located in an external network for a build pipeline.
Maybe consider developing a set of fake libraries for Python, Java and C# for instance? In the case of Redis, such libraries are available.
Jonathan commented
Any updates on this one? It is a deal breaker for us cuz we don't want to mock the responses or have the engineers use a remote db while developing locally.
Rohan Sapkal commented
Any update on this ?
Paul commented
This is the only thing stopping us from adopting this feature. It means developers can just spin up a local with a backup of our test env, don't have to sort out any permissions or deal with dev work touching the test env db, which would cause problems for the QA team.
As soon as this is implemented I'd be driving hard as possible to use this in a certain part of our software.
Václav commented
I work for two companies where MongoDB Atlas is used. We are also not using Search just because of the missing possibility to use it during local development & CI.
Massimeddu commented
It's actually blocking our team to adopt Atlas search. Please implement this asap!
Yi Chao commented
+1 needed for development and testing
Joey commented
Is there any solution for this yet? It's been 2 years.
Wellington commented
+1 needed for development and testing
Tautvydas commented
+1 needed for development and testing
Julien commented
+1 needed for development and testing