- A brief description of what you are looking to do
- How you think this will help
- Why this matters to you
54 results found
Create databases and collections via API thorough Terraform
Create databases (DB) and collections via API thorough Terraform after the cluster has been created in Atlas. This would provide the ease of writing and running it in a single script before any data is loaded.
127 votes -
Add Terraform resource for functions
Would be great to have a terraform resource like mongodbatlas_function.
Was mentioned here but I didn't find the idea mentioned there, so I added this one here.57 votes -
Adding indexes using terraform
Ability to add indexes after new clusters are created using Terraform and data has been loaded. It will help in more automation and auto recovery.
43 votes -
A terraform resource for managing user access to the console
We have a platform (as code using Terraform) where we integrate Mongo Atlas in AWS. We have multiple teams with various privileges who access the Mongo Atlas console daily basis. We would always like to manage the users in our version control. As Terraform is one of the best infrastructure configuration tools, we would like to have a terraform resource in order to manage the users via.
41 votes -
Add Terraform support for Realm Apps
Realm Apps ( can't be managed via Terraform. This would be a great addition to the provider!
30 votes -
Adding indexes(Not search index) using terraform
I would like to create mongodb atlas index using terraform. But as of now we can able to create search index in mongodb atlas using terraform. here the expectation is to create normal index using terraform.
21 votes -
Terraform support for Database Triggers using Function events
The Database Triggers resource supports only EventBridge right now. It would be awesome to see support for Function events as well
18 votesHi we working to enhance the the use of Triggers and Functions in Terraform, but this effort still several quarters away. Feel free to reach on in the interim in case of any questions and happy to help.
Add Teams to a Project
Allow to add a team to a project and set roles.
Split the creation of the project and the role assignment.
Based on the API: votes -
Provide state import capability on mongodbatlas_organization resource
The mongodbatlas_organization resource does not have state import capabilities and I don't understand why. This doesn't seem to be a difficult one to implement and for us it will greatly help, because we have a need to import into state existing organisations which were created (unfortunately) outside terraform.
10 votes -
Support Slack in Third Party Integration
Slack is supported via UI or API, but not via the Terraform Provider (v1.3.1).
10 votes -
Add the ability to configure the auto-resume setting for triggers through terraform
Currently MongoDB triggers can be created through the TF, but to enabled the auto-resume setting this needs to be manually done through the Atlas UI. This should be an option on the "mongodbatlaseventtrigger" TF resource, so it can be all configured together.
9 votes -
Adding description in user database using Terraform
I'm not able to set description on user database using terraform. This feature is available on API but not in the terraform provider.
6 votes -
Create Atlas App Services and Link Them To Clusters with Terraform
It would be great to create App Services (Realm Apps) and then create the service link to an Atlas Cluster with Terraform.
This is so that Trigger resources can be created fully within Terraform, rather than having to hack together API calls, CLI commands or manual steps.
6 votes -
A way to enable the Data API via Terraform
I just noticed that MongoDB Data API is no longer in beta (Congrats!). It think it would be quite useful if the there was a way to enable this option programmatically via Terraform.
6 votes -
Update the regex used to split a database user import id to match the database name constraint
While doing terraform import of the mongo db users, i'm facing an issue with the mongo terraform provider.
The database name contains an underscore so my imported user ID is 5ceClusterId-username-my_database.
I've got the following error when i launch my terraform import:
Error: error splitting database User info from ID
│ import format error: to import a Database User, use the format {projectid}-{username}-{authdatabase_name}Indeed the mongo tf provider uses a regex to split this ID and doesn't allow characters for db name others than $a-z.
=> it possible to update the regex to allow others…
5 votes -
Configuring provider with shared credentials file for secrets manager
Currently the provider allows configuration for secrets manager for the API key, however it looks like only static AWS credentials can be used which require assuming a role first and exporting environment variables. It would be much cleaner if you could support shared profiles, much like the AWS provider does
Specifically is static credentials, but would be great to add profile as an option as well.5 votes -
Add a data source for the Atlas Control Plane inbound/outbound IPs
It would be nice to be able to fetch all outbound and inbound IPs for the Atlas control plane so that we can add them to the list of allowed IPs on Azure keyvaults for example
5 votes -
Terraform lifecycle ignore_changes tags
It would be nice if tags would not be set of list and will be a map, like tags for Azure resources.
In that case, you can ignore some tags by name. Like thislifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
4 votes -
Support terraform plan with ORG_READ_ONLY role
An API key with ORGREADONLY should be sufficient to run a terraform plan. Afterall its describe is "Provides read-only access to the settings, users, projects, and billing in the organization.")
However, this is not the case: checking settings for "Cloud Provider Access" [1] and "Encrypting at Rest" [2] fail due to mission permission. Read-write project permissions like GROUP_OWNER on each project are required.[1]
[2] votes -
Make the app_id optional in the mongodbatlas_event_trigger resource when an aws_eventbridge event processor is defined
Currently, when you define a trigger that uses the AWS Eventbridge via the UI it auto creates a realm App that links the DB change to the event bridge.
However, with the mongodbatlaseventtrigger resource you have to manually defined an empty realm app and give the resource the app_id of that empty app.
This is obviously not a 100% automated process.
This could be, if the provider created the empty realm app by itself, then referencing the created app app_id.
This would only be needed:
1. when the appid is not provided
2. the following attribute was…4 votes
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