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54 results found
Attach a newly created Trigger to an existing AWS Event Bridge Bus via Terraform.
Attach a newly created Trigger to an existing AWS Event Bridge Bus via Terraform.
4 votes -
Add boolean for applying changes only during maintenance window
Add boolean for applying changes only during maintenance window in order to not affect workloads during peak periods.
E.g.: we want to modify the instance type of our cluster, but we don't want to affect workloads during the day, therefore, any change to the cluster should be applied only during maintenance hours. The same functionality should be available in the console. As a matter of fact, all changes should be by default applied during maintenance window and user can choose to opt out and apply them immediately.
See DocumentDB as an example for this feature. votes -
Use cluster id as app_id when creating a trigger via terraform
We would like to specify the cluster id as appid inside the mongodbatlasevent_trigger resources in order to match the trigger creation available via gui
3 votes -
Reference existing third party integration in alert configuration notifications
Provide a mechanism that enables referencing an existing atlas third party integration when using the alert configuration resource to create or update a third party notification.
This is useful when a third party integration is imported or accessed through a data source, meaning the api token is not available. An example of this would be Slack integration as it has to be created through the Atlas UI using OAuth2, so the api token cannot be accessed in the terraform configuration.More details in:
3 votes -
Manage federated database views via Terraform
The mongodbatlasfederateddatabase_instance resource allows managing tables in the federated instance, but it does not allow us to manage views. Please update the provider so we can also create and manage views
3 votes -
For resource mongodbatlas_cluster all properties related to provider move to separate block
Current resource
resource "mongodbatlas_cluster" "cluster" { project_id = var.project_id name = var.cluster_name disk_size_gb = var.disk_size_gb num_shards = var.num_shards replication_factor = var.replication_factor auto_scaling_disk_gb_enabled = var.auto_scaling_disk_gb_enabled mongo_db_major_version = var.mongo_db_major_version //Provider Settings "block" provider_name = var.provider_name provider_disk_iops = var.provider_disk_iops provider_volume_type = var.provider_volume_type provider_instance_size_name = var.provider_instance_size_name provider_region_name = var.provider_region_name provider_backup_enabled = var.provider_backup_enabled }
Suggested resource
…resource "mongodbatlas_cluster" "cluster" { project_id = var.project_id name = var.cluster_name disk_size_gb = var.disk_size_gb num_shards = var.num_shards replication_factor = var.replication_factor auto_scaling_disk_gb_enabled = var.auto_scaling_disk_gb_enabled mongo_db_major_version = var.mongo_db_major_version //Provider Settings "block" cluster_provider = { name = var.provider_name disk_iops = var.provider_disk_iops volume_type = var.provider_volume_type instance_size_name = var.provider_instance_size_name region_name = var.provider_region_name backup_enabled = var.provider_backup_enabled
3 votes -
The IPs of the newly created cluster should be in the terraform state directly
We are trying to deploy a cluster in Azure using Terraform and then inspect the newly created cluster to get the hostnames and IP addresses. We need these IP Addresses so we update the Azure Firewall to allow the Azure Key Vault to communicate with the Atlas cluster. We are doing this test to enable encryption at rest with our own keys.
We believe the IPs should be in the terraform state directly.
3 votes -
Control shard balancing window with Terraform
This documentation page talks about how to manage shard balancing -
but it requires connecting to the db first, I see no way to manage this through the Atlas Gui or terraform.
We have had some instances recently where shard balancing has caused a large resource usage spike on our cluster and affected our services and we would really like to be able to set a shard balancing window using terraform to prevent this from happening during the middle of the day2 votes -
Support tags in terraform-provider-mongodbatlas mongodbatlas_project
terraform-provider-mongodbatlas mongodbatlas_project doesn't currently support tags.
2 votes -
Support Auto-Resume in Trigger resource
can we have an autoresume argument in mongodbatlaseventtrigger (
as in the screenshot, Auto-Resume suspended trigger can be switched on in Atlas UI.
2 votes -
Terraform data source for Point in Time Recovery
It has been confirmed by MongoDB support, that in Atlas, there is no way to know the last point in time you can recover a cluster to using OpsLogs. Surely this is an oversight, as we should be able to tell, from the backup material available, what point in time we can recover to, and not just from.
I need to automate a restoration of a cluster into another cluster in another project in a second region. I copy backup material, including OpsLogs, to that region. I would like to be able to use Terraform to get the Unix Timestamp,…
2 votes -
mongodbatlas_cloud_backup_snapshot_restore_job should wait until the restore operation is complete
mongodbatlascloudbackupsnapshotrestorejob creates a job and returns immediately , but I think it should wait until the restore operation is complete. just like mongodbatlascluster that waits until the cluster is in ready state.
2 votes -
Add sendCollectionLatencyMetrics and sendDatabaseMetrics to third_party_integration
Could you introduce sendCollectionLatencyMetrics and sendDatabaseMetrics to the tf provider defined in API spec
1 vote -
Add extended JSON to mongodbatlas_event_trigger
Although it is possible to enable EJSON via the UI (and API), it would be best to do it with the mongodbatlaseventtrigger resource itself
1 vote -
Manage Organization Alerts in Terraform
We should be able to manage organization alerts through terraform, not only project level alerts.
I wanted to create a billing alert at organization level with terraform but was not able to do it, because the resource only allows the alert to be created at project level.
Doc: vote -
OIDC Authentication Terraform Provider
it should be possible to authenticate with a service account from Entra ID to MongDB Atlas with the Usage of OIDC.
Here is an example of this in azurerm:
- no password / private key needed
- no rotation of credentials needed1 vote -
We would need the GCP project number associated with a certain Atlas project
We would need the GCP project number associated with a certain Atlas project. Preferably we would need this integrated in the Terraform provider and in an API.
Having the GCP project number corresponding to a certain Atlas project would allow ACL creation with the various features provided by the cloud provider.0 votes -
Add waitforcompletion field to mongodbatlascloudbackupsnapshotrestore_job to wait untile restore job has finished
1 vote -
Implement the role mapping for the MongoDB atlas teams to the Projects Using terraform
Currently terraform supports to assign single user invitation with role assignment to the projects, however we do not see any role assignment enabled for the teams & API keys.
We would like to know whether this feature can be enabled in coming versions or if we have any alternative/workaround solutions please share with us.
1 vote -
Expose just the server name (without the rest of the connection string) as a cluster attribute
There are many
available, but all of them are a full URI. Since the canonical way to connect is with the login and password in the URI, I always need to parse the value of aconnection_strings
, insert login info, and then reformat it.I'd like to just have the server name available as an attribute.
1 vote
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