Atlas App Services
240 results found
Github Deploy
When deploying from a Github commit, can you make the Realm files only update what is being committed? It seems like Realm is updating all files, which is taking forever when you have a bunch of functions, along with Hosting files, which in my case is a good bit.
If I go directly into the UI and update a function from there, the Deploy happens fairly quick. But, as soon as I commit from Github, that function gets updated by what is in my Github Repo, which in this case, would overwrire what I just did in the UI.
3 votes -
Ability to query datalake / online archive
The new online archive is awesome.
What would be even better is if we could query the data it moves to S3 as part of our stitch/realm functions.
1 vote -
Configure rate limit
It would be nice to be able to configure rate-limiting to prevent DDoS, scraping or unwanted requests that could highly increase the cost of MongoDB Realms
64 votes -
Disable Realm
It would be great to be able to disable a realm without deleting it. Currently, this is possible by unlinking the cluster or exporting the realm and deleting it. Both of which create more work when firing it back up.
It would also be amazing to be able to tie that in with billing alerts. Say I would rather my app crash than pay more than a certain amount because of Realm usage.
In essence, I'm asking for an "always free" Realm that just disables itself when the free tier has been hit so that I can be 100% certain…
1 vote -
Support TypeScript
I know this is probably a very complex feature, but I'd like to work with TypeScript when writing functions.
Some stretch goals:
- full integration with VSCode so we no longer have to use the web editor
- add support for testing functions (through CI/CD)116 votes -
on premise solution
Allow MongoDB to be used for on-premise solutions to offer early on integration or govcloud support for Realm.
36 votes -
function sandbox
It would be great to have a function sandbox area, where you can write and called previously used functions (saved like notepad++ does) without having to create the function and commit it.
This would be for trying thing out or performing quick tasks for which you don't want to go through all the hassle of formally creating a function.
8 votes -
More descriptive errors
We need more error codes for different situations. For example, using the wrong details while logging in returns 46 (Unknown), with a message indicating wrong credentials. In my app, 46 maps to a message like "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later.".
It would be nice if wrong credentials had its own error type so I could send a more descriptive message.
Please also consider this for any other error type that doesn't have a good reason for being Unknown.
10 votes -
Automatically Refresh Auth Tokens on User's Custom Data Change
Currently, getting updates to custom user data on the frontend requires periodically refreshing the token. A potential improvement would be for MongoDB Realm/SDKs to detect these changes automatically and streamline the token refresh so application code wasn't required to handle this case.
36 votes -
Dark Mode
Support a "Dark Mode" for the MongoDB Realm UI.
41 votes -
More flexible Custom User Data / User Linking
On Stitch, you can have multiple providers for identity, but then it creates multiple users even with the same email address if you have someone from say Google or then someone who authenticated via email. There is a way to merge two accounts, but it requires the user to authenticate twice and that's not an ideal user experience. One solve is to treat them as one user. The other solve is to create a user metadata collection which both identities can reference, but if you're trying to add rules and permissions you can't put an array of options in the…
40 votes -
Global Variables for Functions
Add global variables to Functions (so I don't have to pass around supposedly global variables to every function call).
Add support for typescript :)))
3 votes -
Inheritance / Polymorphism
Support for polymorphism would be a huge plus. In particular, being able to define a class structure and then query for a base class (or interface?) to get a list of all the various concrete classes.
Related GitHub Issue:
2 votes -
Access to %%args in Filters
Allow the access to %%args in filters. This would make it possible to make the apply_when of filters more dynamic by accessing the incoming queries. As of now, filters are completely static due not having access to any incoming information.
1 vote -
Built the new Stitich like Strapi
Advanced Nodejs/React/Vue/Angular Developers have tried Strapi for sure once or at least heard of it. It is a headless-cms/graphical UI for building APIs, The first thing that came into my mind when I tried Stitch + the new GraphQL feature was, Nice product but the UI Strapi gives you for creating Schemas/Data is something MongoDB needs in thair Stitch App to take off since nobody does this currently.
So my suggestion for Stitch is to have a Strapi like UI so we don't need to write Schemas manually, I'm sure this product will take off since everyone I talked to…
3 votes -
Application Deployment in GCP
Currently deployent is only available to AWS but Atlas allows deployment in GCP.
We need to have deployment close to GCP for better performance consideration.7 votes -
RDBMS Connectors
Make the previously available data connectors available for Realm’s data adapter to sync data from the Realm Object Server to a Microsoft SQL Server and vice versa.
1 vote -
Ability to change/update email address of Application User
Users should have the ability to change their email address.
Applications cannot give the ability to users to change their own email address. Once a user is registered/created there is no way for such user to update/change their own email address.57 votes -
Human readable URLs in UI
Currently, the app urls are extremely long and unreadable, for example:
This looks pretty ugly. It would be a lot more user friendly to:
- eliminate the /groups/<groupID>/ portion of the URL entirely - the app ID already uniquely identifies the group anyway
- use the clientAppID instead of the raw objectID for /apps/<appID>.
For example, the above URL could instead be represented as
with no loss of functionality or precision0 votes -
Allow manually disabled trigger to resume without resume token
I am filing a feature request for the option to: Disable a trigger manually and be able to restart it without using a resume token (i.e. such that DB events that occurred while it was disabled will be ignored by the trigger, and it will simply start listening for new events upon restart).
8 votes
- Don't see your idea?