More flexible Custom User Data / User Linking
On Stitch, you can have multiple providers for identity, but then it creates multiple users even with the same email address if you have someone from say Google or then someone who authenticated via email. There is a way to merge two accounts, but it requires the user to authenticate twice and that's not an ideal user experience. One solve is to treat them as one user. The other solve is to create a user metadata collection which both identities can reference, but if you're trying to add rules and permissions you can't put an array of options in the custom user data "user id field." You also can't select multiple databases for different environments. Would be nice if this was more flexible.

Meet commented
When this user linking is available? it is crucial!
Rodrigo commented
I was using Firebase for authentication and had a function to make this link without any problems, so I migrated the app to Realm without even imagining that I could not have this option here. This is very common and important use case to leave out. I'm very disappointed and regret switching to MongoDb Realm.
Jean-Baptiste commented
+1 for this! Example critical use case:
User signs in with Apple on their iPad. Later, they want to use the app on their Android phone as well. They can't use their account and have to create a new one.
Excel Health Careers Training commented
This is critical....
Gregory commented
Absolutely!!! This use case happens ALL the time. There absolutely HAS to be a way to link users that have the same email address across multiple providers. I agree with other users on other posts that this is "essential" and I also would not have put in a massive amount of effort to switch over to Realm Authentication if I knew this key element was not supported. I've wasted many days.
Bottom line: multiple identities with different providers need to be able to be linked so any user login method will result in the exact same userID.
Thanks much!
Maxim commented
It's essential in my app that user is identified by email regardless the auth provider. I was shocked that I cannot do this with MongoDB Realm.
Sudarshan commented
This is must required.
Mikael commented
What do you think about this proposal for a solution?