on premise solution
Allow MongoDB to be used for on-premise solutions to offer early on integration or govcloud support for Realm.

Nicholas commented
This would be very important for us, as many of our customers can not use cloud based services
Demenew Tech Pvt Limited commented
MongoDB & Realm sync on-premise solutions is top most requirement of many tech companies.
Rune commented
We need this bad.
Keith commented
Given that Realm sold the license for ROS running locally, and some of us were absolutely planning to use that to allow customers with data-sensitivity to host their own realm (they would of course have to buy their own license for ROS), for MongoDB to *not* provide this feature is like bait-and-switch, pulling the rug out from under our product plans, cutting of significant portions of our target market. If self-hosting were not a possibility, we would never have chosen Realm back when we did. Any customer whose data requires extra security or in-country storage or on-premises storage is basically just left out in the cold.
And there seems to be no good reason for this, from Realm users' point of view. You just have to supply the Realm App service to any self-hosting MongoDB customer (however you combine/split the licenses). API-wise, just allow a hosting server url and port to be supplied when doing the login on a realm app, and if supplied, have the SDK use that instead of the default mongoDB cloud.
What am I missing? Why is this not being done?
Arief commented
Yes. We really this...