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  1. Expand all in JSON view should be brought back

    When in JSON view, we can previously expand all properties inside a document node by using CTRL+LEFT CLICK (or ALT+LEFT CLICK, i've forgotten).

    This feature was removed within the last year.

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  2. EXPORT/IMPORT bson files

    Suppport EXPORT/IMPORT bson Files.

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  3. Disable the explain button while an explain is running

    The Explain Plan option does not allow ending the operation.
    When selecting the explain button, no interface animation is displayed that indicates the "running" state of the operation. Also, the tool ignores the "maxTimeMS" parameter and continues the operation even after the elapsed time.

    Steps to Reproduce

    Select the Explain Plan option > select a field to filter in the database > fill in a "maxTimeMS" value > click explain.
    Continuously clicking the explain button generates several similar operations without option to stop it.

    Expected Results

    Prevent starting multiple explain operations when there is still one in progress. Allow stop…

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  4. AWS IAM in Compass is MFA protected & uses shortly expiring tokens

    AWS IAM auth in Compass should be a password/token-copypaste-less, MFA-protected experience that uses shortly-expiring tokens, invisibly to the user. Said differently, selecting AWS IAM creds should prompt me with an { AWS config, MFA challenge } form/flow, and not an {{{ accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken }}} form as it does today.

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  5. Add support for languages (localization, internationalization)

    Add internationalization support so folks can use Compass in their own language.

    Tagging a few languages for searching / SEO:
    Mandarin Chinese

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  6. Display collection name and namespace on separate lines

    If you have a longish DB/namespace name, the labels on the tabs become pretty useless, as all they say is "Documents (verylongdbnamewhichiknowalready)" and there's no room for the name of the collection.

    This forces me to navigate through tabs to find the collection I was querying.
    I feel that the "Documents" or whatever main label is on the tabs can be communicated via the tab icon only.

    The name of the namespace could either be hidden entirely and shown only on the tab body, or shown on a separate line from the collection name.

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  7. mongosh should be its own tab at the top with output options

    I hate how mongosh is at the bottom. It makes it rather hard to see the results as it involves lots of scrolling, I end up having to write a js file and using mongosh in the terminal.
    It would be good if it was it's own tab at the top and give options to view the output differently.
    The best example I can give is how the robo3t does it. When the data can't be viewed as a tree or table, it just outputs it in text mode.

    Something like this is super handy for developers and makes it…

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  8. Be able to save and restore the tabs complete with their existing queries, projections and sorting settings.

    The description is in the attached graphic. The gist is being able to save the Filter, Projection, Sort, Skip, Limit settings for each tab as a logically grouped set of tabs which I can give a meaningful name to and perhaps stores them on computer as a JSON file and I can reload that json file after connecting to a MongoDB and restore my tabs.

    Also, once you have this functionality, it would be nice since the application itself is written in Javascript to make a Microsoft Visual Studio Code plugin out of Compass as well so I can have…

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  9. SQL to Aggregation framework converter

    The intent would be to run SQL queries directly on MongoDB Compass or convert them to aggregations

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  10. Visual rule builder for schema validation

    In Compass, it is possible to create validation rules to enforce a schema. It would be good to be able to generate these rules with a simple, visual editor, instead of having to know the MQL or JSON Schema syntax for the validation rules.

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  11. 5 votes

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  12. List open Compass connections under "Windows" menu.

    List open Compass connections under "Windows" menu

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  13. Aggregation Pipeline builder, allow hints

    Allow setting hint to enable index debugging and optimizations

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  14. Make the filter editor expandable to multiple lines

    Problem: The filter edit is a 1 line text box. It is no good for creating and editing queries with multiple terms... you can only see a small part of the query

    Solution: make the filter edit expandable, so you can see 1 line or many lines.

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  15. refresh

    I would like to propose new functionality to auto-refresh a collection in MongoDB Compass. For example, if I am waiting for a document to update, today I have to click refresh repetitively until the document has updated. I would like to set auto-refresh with a filter in place to be able to watch the collection as documents are updating, instead of having to click the refresh button every ~5 seconds. 

    Steps to follow:
    - Log into MongoDB
    - Open to view a collection 
    - Filter by some criteria, and click Find 
    - Click Refresh icon to reload the documents in…

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  16. add refresh button in the collection tab

    when you click on a collection it open a tab right ? what if you want to refresh it
    let's say you are in development stage and you want to see what's being stored and all
    my idea is to add hot key like CTRL R or a refresh button it will be very usefull

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  17. Use tab to validate auto-completion

    Regression in version 1.36.2: it's no longer possible to validate auto-completion using "tab" key. Only "Enter" now works

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  18. Have the Export Colelction feature list all collection fields by default

    The current feature lists the fields from a sample of documents which may miss some fields. Although it is specified in a tooltip, this is quite counter-intuitive in a NoSQL database which is all about document diversity.

    When a collection has upwards to 100+ possible fields it becomes quite tedious to figure out which ones are missing from the sample data.

    I would like for MongoDB Compass to find the complete list of possible fields for a selected collection and list them all out be default.

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  19. copy query to shell

    Copy Find or Aggregation Pipeline queries directly to embedded shell. I realize you can export the query then paste it in the shell, but a nice helper would be to click a button which tells the shell to use the current collection and pastes a well-formatted query from the Documents, Schema, or Aggregation tabs of Compass directly into the shell (without executing). At least a copy to clipboard (shell format as default) button.

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  20. export sorted data

    When clicking export collection button, the sort option specified should be copied to "Export query with filters"


    db.holidays.find (
    {Date: {eq: '2022-04-08'}
    ).sort ({System : 1})

    or even make this part editable, so we can add sort option

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