41 results found
Execute Raw query with query editor
Currently there is no query editor for executing raw queries, like for batch update and batch delete. Consider to add a query editor.
58 votes -
Enabling LUUID, NUUID in filters
With, support was added for the UUID in filters and expressions, as well as the bindata type. It would be very useful to also have direct support for NUUID and LUUID identifiers in filters, so that you don't have to do manual conversion before querying such data.
An example query could be {uuid: NUUID('e6e71462-a5a6-4348-b4b5-22d4763462d1')}
15 votes -
Date Tags for Easier Querying of Date Fields
I propose adding a feature called "Date Tags" to MongoDB Compass, which would allow users to query date fields more easily. Date Tags would serve as shorthand for commonly used date queries, enhancing user efficiency and readability.
Example Use-Case:
Consider the task of finding all documents where the createdAt field was set to "yesterday". Normally, the query would look something like:{ "createdAt": { "$gte": ISODate("2023-10-17T00:00:00"), "$lt": ISODate("2023-10-18T00:00:00") } }
With Date Tags, this could be simplified to:
{ "createdAt": #yesterday }
Proposed Date Tags:
Each tag would automatically be translated to the corresponding…
12 votes -
Support Legacy CSUUID in filters and in view instead of BinData type 3
support CSUUID like robo 3t does that, because its very hard to see the real string with this BinData type 3
i have a script that convert bin data to CSUUID and CSUUID to bin data in js if you can include that in compass code it will help a lot of users that used robo 3t instead of compass only because of this uid
this is the script votes -
10 votes
my queries export option
Its good to have a export option for my queries, when changing system its required. otherwise no option to share all queries to another system
6 votes -
I would like to paste a Mongo ObjectId and it automatically query on it
I would like to paste a Mongo ObjectId and it automatically query on it.
Right now when I go to type something into the query filter field it'll automatically add {}
A great next step is if I [ctrl} + [v] paste in a MongoDB ID, then it automatically turns it into an _id query.Step 1: Copy "64f046fb304cee6fa007d935"
Step 2: Paste int othe filter (Query) field
Step 2b: MongoDB compass converts my text into the query{_id: ObjectId('64f046fb304cee6fa007d935')}
Step 3: Click [Find] (or maybe it can even automatically do that?Currently I have to type"
_id: ObjectId('<now paste in
…5 votes -
Support for distinct
Add support distinct queries in Compass. votes -
Sync queries across multiple computers or installations of Compass
I work on multiple computers and I find my self missing queries that I have already created on other computers. It would be nice to have queries that are linked to a collection to be synced when using Compass on other computers. Maybe something like Github can be used as the central storage for the queries or allow users to selected popular storage options if Compass can't provide the storage natively.
4 votes -
add refresh button in the collection tab
when you click on a collection it open a tab right ? what if you want to refresh it
let's say you are in development stage and you want to see what's being stored and all
my idea is to add hot key like CTRL R or a refresh button it will be very usefull4 votes -
copy query to shell
Copy Find or Aggregation Pipeline queries directly to embedded shell. I realize you can export the query then paste it in the shell, but a nice helper would be to click a button which tells the shell to use the current collection and pastes a well-formatted query from the Documents, Schema, or Aggregation tabs of Compass directly into the shell (without executing). At least a copy to clipboard (shell format as default) button.
4 votes -
As a developer using extended JSON strict mode queries, I need Compass to also support queries in strict mode
Compass should support extended JSON strict mode queries in queries on the Documents, Schema and Explain Plan tabs.
As an example, the error message in Compass 1.14.7 for an "$oid" query is:
unknown operator: $oid
4 votes -
Please make a feature to set specific sorting query as a default .
I always put ' {createdAt: -1} to sort the data in a descending order. Could you make a feature that can set some default custom query setting ??
3 votes -
saved queries with date difference
When saving a query that was performed wit ha relative time
( e.g.,
{$gt:new Date( - 246060 * 1000)}}
Save it (to history and to favorites) with the relative expression. Currently, the expression is first calculated to an actual date and only than is it saved (so the queries are saved with actual date and are less useful)3 votes -
Add a "expand all" button in front a of a document
The idea is to be able to see a document completely with a single click. When a document has a lot of arrays and object it's very long to drill down to find correct data.
3 votes -
Save queries in folders
I would like to save my queries in folders such as postman, currently i work for many companies and all queries getting mixed up makes it difficult to take track of which query is from which company or database if though I can filter for database
2 votes -
Tab to accept suggestion
I REALLY hate that as I insert my query and if I press Enter, the top suggestion that popped up is selected. It completely replaces the query I just built and 95% of the time, it's not the same query. You should require me to tab or arrow down to select the suggestion that is right for me, if I want to use the suggestion at all.
2 votes -
Show created timestamp for ObjectId fields
It would be really useful to see the timestamp from ObjectId fields while hovering over the ObjectId values in query results. Well designed documents have a field for the creation time, but not all documents have it and then need to go into hoops to take the ObjectId and call the getTimestamp() function for it to see when the document was created.
The ObjectId also contains machine identifier, process id and a counter. They're not that interesting, but could be shown as well.
2 votes -
Change collection on a saved query
In the My Queries section it would be nice to be able to select which collection you want to be able to run the query against or to be able to copy the query to another collection.
At the moment each query is 'locked' to the collection it was oringally created for.
This means if i want to run the same query against another collection i have to open it and copy the text from the aggregation pipeline from the query then open the collection i want to run it on and copy the text into the aggregation pipline.
2 votes -
Do not load collection data by default (new setting)
When selecting a collection, Compass currently loads data for that collection. I would like there to be a setting that says that no data is loaded until I click Find.
- because some default data loading takes a looong time (>30s) and clicking Stop doesn't give the user back control (fixing this might be another way to resolve this issue)
- almost always the data loaded by default is not relevant to my task
- almost always I want to enter a specific query first and then hit search
- in the rare cases where I just want to…2 votes
- Don't see your idea?