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  2. Be able to edit, duplicate, delete projected documents

    When I add a projection, I can't edit, duplicate, or delete the documents. I want to be able to do this.

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  3. Better highlighting for reading/writing JSON

    I use other editors for reading/writing JSON because they have better highlighting. I wish there was better highlight for reading/writing JSON in Compass.

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  4. Populate collections that I create with fake data

    I want to be able to easily add a large volume of documents with fake data to collections that I create via the UI.

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  5. ContextMenu on collection

    A simple context Menu with following functions:
    - delete
    - rename
    - copy
    - export
    - open in new tab

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  6. Clicking outside of a modal should close the modal

    It is annoying to have to click "Cancel" instead of just being able to click outside of the modal.

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  7. visual feedback on array / object size in document preview

    Could we have a visuel feedback in document preview (Documents, Aggregation) for the array / objects size? It could be between parenthesis next to the "Object"/"Array" label => Array(5) for example

    The basic need was to identify quickly which array/object are empty: could start by removing the ability to expand by removing the ">" in front of the field...

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  8. QoL: Rename the Windows shortcut from MongoDBCompass to MongoDB Compass

    I often search Compass (without MongoDB) on Windows Search and it does not show up because its written as MongoDBCompass instead of MongoDB Compass.
    It would be a nice QoL improvement.

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  9. Expose hide index functionality

    MongoDB guidance suggests that an index should be hidden such that the impact of deleting the index can be assessed prior to its actual deletion. This functionality should be surfaced in both Atlas and Compass thus making it easier to follow the guidance.

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  10. Have the Export Colelction feature list all collection fields by default

    The current feature lists the fields from a sample of documents which may miss some fields. Although it is specified in a tooltip, this is quite counter-intuitive in a NoSQL database which is all about document diversity.

    When a collection has upwards to 100+ possible fields it becomes quite tedious to figure out which ones are missing from the sample data.

    I would like for MongoDB Compass to find the complete list of possible fields for a selected collection and list them all out be default.

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  11. Export data from a query should limit fields based on Projection

    When exporting data from a query in MongoDB Compass, only check the fields that are in the Projection section. Don't default to all the fields when exporting.

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  12. Be able to sort document fields alphabetically

    It would be useful to be able to display columns for fields in a document in alphabetical order

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  13. allow updating of data via "add data", by importing an updated file

    Right now if you export data, modify it, then try to import it, it will throw an error because the ID already exists. I want to update all those documents, not create new ones.

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  14. Display collection name and namespace on separate lines

    If you have a longish DB/namespace name, the labels on the tabs become pretty useless, as all they say is "Documents (verylongdbnamewhichiknowalready)" and there's no room for the name of the collection.

    This forces me to navigate through tabs to find the collection I was querying.
    I feel that the "Documents" or whatever main label is on the tabs can be communicated via the tab icon only.

    The name of the namespace could either be hidden entirely and shown only on the tab body, or shown on a separate line from the collection name.

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  15. Compass log as regular text

    Allow option for current Compass log to be tail-ed so activity can be seen in real-time in a terminal window.

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  16. Feature Request: Add simplified parallel insertion command syntax

    I want to have a (maybe per server) setting dialog where I can enter a custom JS function that returns any of the mongoDB supported datatypes for the primary key (_id or id - usually String, ObjectId or NumberLong) and is then used everytime I insert a new document in mongoDB compasst.


    I was testing deduplication functionality I implemented in my app and I had to repeat the process several times. As my IDs were UUIDv4 strings, I needed extra steps after duplicating the documents with the duplicate button on the document in the preview list because otherwise the…

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  17. Allow changing font in document output

    Current hardcoded choice of fonts: "Source Code Pro", Menlo, monospace doesn't suit me. They first two aren't installed on my computer, so the result is unreadable output using the default "Courier New" font. I want to be able to set my own font family and font size for document output.

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  18. Need "Inactive" sessions "Terminated" connected via Compass to MongoDB

    Need "Inactive" sessions "Terminated" which have been connected via Compass to MongoDB and idle for more than x minutes. This feature is not full available. As per MongoDB support maxIdleTimeMS -- "Compass supports that option but please note that this won't close the session, will only collect idle connections in the pool and wouldn't really be noticed on the user end.
    For you to be aware, this request was already discussed internally as a missing option so it would be good if you can provide some additional feedback in our official website for our Product managers to consider."

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  19. Ctrl+c in shell

    Add ability to Copy (ctrl+c) (or right click drop down menu copy/past) from shell input

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  20. MongoDB Compass on Flathub

    Flatpak is a user-friendly and modern way to distribute applications. And publishing on will make the product more popular.

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