464 results found
Toggle ability to use or not use a hidden index in query planner / compass
I want to be able to from a developer standpoint, use or not use an index and see the performance different through Compass.
1 vote -
Make it easier to search by _id
More then half of my queries in Compass is searching by id. Each time I have to add both curly brackets, then type 'id:' then 'Obj', select ObjectId from autocomplete and paste id.
I propose to add 'id' field in OPTIONS, where I could just paste _id string to fire mongoose-like 'findById'2 votes -
Store aggregation pipeline export language
Each time you start a new aggregation, the export language is always "Python 3"., so if you're using different language, you have to set the wanted language each and every time you change the active collection or open a new tab...
The default selected language could be:
- the last used language (easier but still efficient)
- the last used language for this connection
- the last used language for this collection
- a language configured as "preferred language" when adding a connection as favorite
- a language configured as "preferred language" at the app level...3 votes -
Allow for safe hyperlinking of URIs in documents
If a document contains a well-formatted (and sanitised) URI, then hovering over it should display a preview of the resource it links to (perhaps an image in s3) or the option to click through to it using the OS standard browser.
2 votes -
Change sidebar backgroud color on remotly connection
When remotely connect to databse expect localhost like ssh or other options, sidebar background color changed, beacuse confused between local db with server db and maybe mistake change collection doucument
1 vote -
restrict export access
Compass currently allow any user to export data to his local file system, I think it's necessary to add restrictions so that the admin user can specify which user can or can not export data
1 vote -
I would like $match expression to not evaluate 15*24*60*60*1000 expression with the date, instead use the literal expression
When translating the following aggregation code, Compass evaluates the expression with the date. I would like to have a feature where it translates the literal expression to the available language.
Example of aggregation code:
"date": {$gte: new Date((new Date().getTime() - (15 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)))}2 votes -
Keyboard shortcut to change DB/Collection
It would be nice to have a Cmd/Ctrl + P or Cmd/Ctrl + K shortcut like in VS Code or Slack to quickly switch to a different collection or database without having to click around as much.
4 votes -
Hover over object ID should display OID date
People are migrating away from a "created at" date because it's stored in the OID. However, there's currently no way to view that. Most other tools allow you to see it when you hover over it.
7 votes -
Take too much time preloading database statistics
As you can see, My MongoDB instance has over 10K databases and over 400K collections, Every time I connect to it with Compass, I have to wait for more than one minute before Compass is ready to use. This 'collecting information process' is unnecessary because I don't care how many collections are there, all I want is jump into one of these databases and start my work.
So I would be appreciated if there is an option to skip this 'preloading' process.
2 votes -
Let detach mongoh terminal/console
In case we have two monitors, I think is valuable detach the mongoh terminal/console in one explicit window to move it to other monitor. Of course, the option to apply the inverse should be available too.
Thanks for your understanding.
2 votes -
database access needs to be more granular
I need the ability to restrict access to individual databases and /or clusters, for both build in and custom permissions and roles.
You have boxes for databases and collections; just add one for clusters too.
1 vote -
Add an option to stringify jsonSchema in Validation tab
Add an option to stringify jsonSchema in Validation tab easier porting to javascript and to follow a common json format.
1 vote -
Cmd/Ctrl + Enter to Submit Query
After typing a custom query / filter, pressing Ctrl/Cmd + Enter should execute the query.
3 votes -
Compass for IOS and Android
It would be great if there was an app for MongoDB Compass on IOS and Android. This would allow people on the go to access their database quickly and easily.
On IOS, there are already applications for MongoDB, but they are paid, and not official.I hope many of you will approve of this idea! (I need it 😄)
Have a nice day,
~ Polo1 vote -
Compass does not observe disabled "Automatic Updates" setting or after a user declines
What the user chose should be observed.
1 vote -
Add an option to visualize raw json query plans
It should be possible to import a raw execution plan generated with .explain(), and have it visualized in Compass!
Why - so we as developers don't need to read the JSON manually.
This would be very usefull when debugging slow queries using the aggregation framework.
22 votes -
Remove background animation during connection
For security reasons, MongoDB Compass is running on machines in a Network Zone we connect from our own computers via RDP protocol.
During connection time, MongoDB Compass displays a background animation which consumes huge network bandwidth and if for any reason, network between local and remote is bad, the RDP screen finally freezes and the only choice is to interrupt the connections (between local to Network Zone which breaks the one between Compass and our MongoDB servers).
Can you remove this animation or put an option to remove it please ?2 votes -
_id field listed first
The _id field is not always visible when browsing through the data, because of the sorting. It would be great if _id is always visible by ensuring it is listed first.
1 vote -
Include curly brackets by default in query bar
By default, the query editor is blank. In order to write a query, curly brackets must be added {query: "here"} in order to make a query.
Event the suggestion for writing a query recommends adding curly brackets. (see suggested.png)
If there is a use case where users may want the query bar to remain blank (how it is now), I recommend adding a setting to put in curly brackets by default. Having to add curly brackets every time I want to create and run a query is tedious and counterproductive.
2 votes
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