Support GCP IAM for Cluster Authentication
Achieve feature parity with AWS IAM cluster authentication support.

Your applications can now access Atlas Clusters with Google Service Accounts using MongoDB Workload Identity Federation ( The feature is supported by MongoDB 7.0.11 dedicated clusters (M10 and above).
For your workforce access, we recommend to use Workforce Identity Federation ( with your corporate identity provider.
Thank you for your feedback.
Michael Gerlach commented
This is technically done with MongoDB 7.0 and OIDC authentication through Identity Federation.
ilyas bouallal commented
I agree with @fulton
Prioritizing Workload Identity Federation (IAM) is most valuable.
ilyas bouallal commented
Hello, also requesting this.
Since MongoDB Atlas doesn't support crossproject service accounts, this raise security and responsibility issues over the service account keys in our organization.
Workforce Identity Federation is needed to prevent this.Best Regards,
Ilyas -
Fulton commented
The current ordering priority is not ideal.
Generally we do not want individual users accessing the database, so why are you prioritizing Workforce Identity Federation to access clusters using SSO? If a user needs to access a cluster directly (in an emergency) it's maybe once every few years.
The highest imperative is for application to access databases securely. The application has the highest access and security needs. Therefore prioritizing Workload Identity Federation (IAM) is most valuable. IAM access makes it easier for developers to build new applications to work with the database (instead of touching the database directly).
Why is Atlas choosing to support Workforce Identity Federation first?
Dimitri Stiliadis commented
Last secret in our deployment that we need to get rid off. This would be a tremendous help.
Tom commented
This idea was raised 2 years ago, are there any plans to put this on the roadmap ? This is critical for security reasons.
Especially since it's already possible with AWS:
Fulton commented
Would be very nice to have this so we can use workload identity in GCP GKE clusters to eliminate yet another credential to distribute.
Morten commented
It should be fairly easy to get transparent identity federation where you can choose to grant Azure, AWS or GCP service accounts access.
See for inspiration
Nitzan Aloni commented
Great idea! Thank you!
Marco commented
Great idea!
Hi Geoffrey, It's worth emphasizing that AzureAD with Domain Services can present the LDAPS protocol which Atlas supports
Geoffrey commented
I need this also on Azure.
Hi Ion, Can you help share a little bit about your use case, and what this would help you achieve? Thank you
-Andrew -
ion commented
we want this