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Atlas Search

153 results found

  1. Support for Index Partitions

    When I reach Lucene's 2 billion document limit, I would prefer to partition my index instead of being forced to Shard my database.

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  2. Support for fuzzy search and synonyms

    it is just possible to either, use synonms, or fuzzy search. Would be great to have both options in one search query

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  3. Provide a button to cancel in-progress index builds

    Currently, the only option for cancelling an in-progress index build is to delete the index using the "Delete Index" menu-item in the Search Tab, or by using the Delete an Atlas Search Index API. This however is not easily evident, if users want to cancel an index build for any reason.

    Therefore, this is a feature request to provide a button to "cancel" in-progress index builds from the Atlas UI.

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  4. Ability to set a "minimum should match" in a query

    I can specify a percent of terms I want to match, for instance 100% means require all terms, 66% means, only return documents that matched at least 60% of the terms. (the default is 1 term)

    Ex for 100%

    search "foo bar"

    "foo bar" "bar foo" "bar hello foo" would all return

    "foo hello" would not

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  5. Total Document count on Filter

    It's a very small feature but very useful with respect to use case, whenever someone filters on Atlas nowhere it shows the total number of result we got, till we didn't reach the last page so it's very useful if we can see the total number of records at least after filtering or it will be great if it is visible on each page.

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  6. Add Atlas Search metrics into integration with Datadog

    Problem Statement,
    Atlas Search metrics ( are not sent to Datadog (Datadog's MongoDB Atlas integration (

    Add Atlas Search metrics to Datadog integration (start sending Atlas Search metrics from Atlas to Datadog).

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  7. Allow queries with $search to be covered by the Lucene indexes without loading from disk in Mongo

    If the fields to be filtered on or projected on are all in the Lucene index, it would give the best latency to be able to return the data from the Lucene index only, and not have to separately look that data up from the Mongod

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  8. Official React Component for Atlas Search

    One of the reasons Algolia got so popular might be the fact that they provided instantsearch.js. The library was really easy to get started and intuitive to understand.

    I read the Atlas Search's great tutorial(1) and watched the video(2) and cloned the repo FTS_MovieSearch on GitHub. They are really insightful and helpful. Yet, if there is official React component which provides some of (not all) functionalities that instasearch.js offers, that would help Atlas Search to grow.

    (I put "React" in title, but maybe vanilla JS/TS component would be better to consider)

    I used to try setting up Atlas + Elastic…

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  9. Allow search users to bring their own encryption key

    I want to use my own encryption key so I know that my search data is encrypted with credentials I manage myself

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    under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin →
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  10. Ability to choose what to dynamically index

    When using dynamic mapping, it would be useful for better control on the index to allow choosing which index types are created.


    dynamic: true // Map all fields
    dynamic: false // Don't use dynamic mapping
    dynamic: ["string","bool"] // Only use dynamic mapping to create string indexes and boolean indexes

    Also, why can't Token indexes be indexes dynamically? I assume it's to avoid making the index too big, but I think it should be allowed optionally to facilitate sorting and filtering on string fields that may not be known at the moment of creating the index.

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  11. Non-sequential or Deep Pagination

    I want to be able to paginate results in non-sequential order, e.g. Skip from page 1 to 5, or skip from first to last page of results

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  12. Atlas Search aggregation pipeline TypeScript type definitions

    It would be so much easier to write aggregation pipelines if we had type checking and type hinting.

    At this moment we can pass any JSON there. There is no driver or library that would check if it's correct or that would type check the input.

    I'm attaching some screenshots that show how it could work.

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  13. Support highlights in embeddedDocuments autocomplete

    According to docs, currently it is not possible to get highlights inside embeddedDocuments, in autocomplete requests.

    This makes array of objects (embeddedDocuments) autocomplete unusable in our use case.

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  14. Add Atlas Search for Enterprise Advanced

    Due to customer/project constraints, I need to have the ability to use $search to query millions of historical data records with regex and wildcards queries at real-time, on a Enterprise Advanced environment.

    The data cannot be exported to Atlas and it cannot depend on Internet connection, so the functionality must be On-Premises only.

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  15. add a setting to ignore the corpus term frequency for score calculation

    indexOption:docs omits per document frequencies, but it still uses the corpus frequency.

    it would be good to have a setting to ignore the corpus frequency as well

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  16. Atlas full text search should support searching all field types

    Atlas full text search should support searching all fields types including text, dates, numbers and booleans.

    Atlas full text search at present supports searching in text values only. e.g. Searching for "2022" will not pick up documents that contain 2022 in the number fields.

    The functionality in it's current form does not have any way of searching for a given string value (which can be numeric, boolean or part of a date).

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  17. enable $and operator for multiple words in a search term (not only $or)

    It seems a commonly needed ability to decrease the amount of results from a multi-word search query instead of expanding it, since the default operator for every word is $or. If there could be a built-in $and option it will be great. Thank you.

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  18. RBAC for Atlas Search

    Atlas Search Indexes can only be managed via MongoDB credentials (Terraform or API calls), with required role "Project Data Access Admin" (see ). It would be great if we could create/delete search indexes using database credentials, similarly to regular indexes.

    Because of that constraint, we need to provision dedicated apikey for our application ; in order to create the relevant search indexes. However, providing "Project Data Access Admin" is too much of a security risk - considering the power of such role.

    Would it be possible to have dedicated "Atlas Search Admin" role which would allow creation / updating…

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  19. wildcard path support for range operator

    Currently wildcard path can be constructed to 4 operator(text, phrase, wildcard and regex). Some use cases will be there to use the wildcard path for numeric which can be used by range operator

    { a : { "6578ghg" : { value : "not 55" } } }
    { a : { "9578uhg" : { value : 55 } } }

    Above 2 document if we have dynamic mapping of search index and below query cannot be used as range does not support wildcard in path:

    db.dates.aggregate([ { $search :{ index:"synonyms", compound:{filter:[{text:{query:"55",path:{wildcard:"metadata.*.value"}}},{range:{gte:55,lte:55,path:{wildcard:"metadata.*.value"}}}]}}}])

    Is there any plans/restriction for adding wildcard path support…

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  20. Autocomplete with `fuzzy` scores all results as `1`

    Using autocomplete with the fuzzy operator returns results, but they are scored all with the same value (1). This has been reported a couple times in the developer forum as well:

    This can make it difficult to process and rank results on the client side, especially for high volumes of returned documents. It would be helpful if autocomplete + fuzzy would support relative scoring.

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