Official React Component for Atlas Search
One of the reasons Algolia got so popular might be the fact that they provided instantsearch.js. The library was really easy to get started and intuitive to understand.
I read the Atlas Search's great tutorial(1) and watched the video(2) and cloned the repo FTS_MovieSearch on GitHub. They are really insightful and helpful. Yet, if there is official React component which provides some of (not all) functionalities that instasearch.js offers, that would help Atlas Search to grow.
(I put "React" in title, but maybe vanilla JS/TS component would be better to consider)
I used to try setting up Atlas + Elastic combination. Then Atlas Search came. It was a god send. I hope its community will grow and look forward to see more examples/features coming up!

Toshi commented
SearchKit, a great UI library for ElasticSearch, has released v3 a few days ago. Good news is that it decoupled with ElasticSearch and introduced GraphQL layer in-between, which might mean there would be possibility for Atlas Search to utilize it.-