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  1. File structure for connections

    Groups for connections, so that it can be more organised.
    Maybe let us use an image for the group too?
    Look at TablePlus for inspiration 💪

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  2. I'd like if the tabs' scrollbar were wider

    I feel like the tabs' scrollbar is very narrow and it would be easier to use it if it were wider,

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  3. Add plugin for wsl2

    Being able to use mongodb-compass within wsl2 like vscode

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  4. request zh language

    request zh language

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  5. Dark Theme is not that cool

    The background colour combination of the compass's dark theme stings like a thorn in the eyes.

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  6. Always select focused collection in sidebar navigation (Compass)

    In the UI of the Compass interface, users navigate through databases and collections primarily via the sidebar. However, there's an aspect of user experience that can be enhanced. Specifically, I am proposing a feature where the sidebar navigation dynamically reflects and highlights the database or collection that is currently in focus in the main tab area.

    This means, that when a user selects and works on a particular database or collection, that specific item should automatically become highlighted or marked in the sidebar.

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  7. Auto-expand single/specified database

    Upon connecting to a server, I would like Compass to auto-expand the database in the sidebar if:
    - the database name is in the connection string
    - and/or if there is a single database on the server (that is accessible to the user)

    It would save a click :)

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  8. Pretty print queries

    An optional button, while querying a collection, that prettifies and formats the queries.

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  9. MacOS Scroll bars - show according to MacOS settings

    You can view the list of indexes, but there is no scroll bar on the right side to show there are more indexes in the list. The scroll bar pops up when you hover on the list.

    In MacOS settings you can set if you want this behaviour or if you want the scroll bar to always show.

    Think it is like this in english MacOS:
    system settings -> look and feel -> show scroll bars -> always

    The idea is to honor this setting.

    I use MacOS 14.2, Dark mode. Compass Dark mode is a setting that already works…

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  10. Unproductiveness is getting worse and worse

    Though we a conversation regarding annoying "what's new" messages, the situation is really getting worse. Even so bad, I am considering paying for a 3rd party tool. But my in vest on your product is taking my time to give this feedback, in order to improve your product.

    The latest message that is keeping me away from beeing productive is this message coming up when entering a value for "skip" at the query options field.=> "Use natural language to generate queries and pipelines
    Atlas users can now quickly create queries and aggregations with MongoDB's intelligent AI-powered feature, available today in…

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  11. viem shard key

    If you are in clustered mode, can view information about the collection's slice keys

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  12. Default connection selection on startup screen.

    Currently there is no default connection setting, when I start the program I am greeted with the new connection dialog. I do not find this very useful especially with a stable environment, how often do you use new connection against saved ones.

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  13. Search should support <database_name>.<collection_name> pattern

    Search should support <database_name>.<collection_name> pattern

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  14. How about making your installer do something when you prompt to install an update

    I get prompted every day by Compass telling me there is an update to install. When you agree to install the update, nothing happens! I cannot say that I have EVER seen the installer work outside of doing a winget installation or going to your website and downloading the installer. If you are going to waste our time every time we open Compass, then stop asking us to do an upgrade! VERY ANNOYING!!!!!

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  15. user friendlyness

    my idea is that you add a menu where user can ask any problem he/she is having while using MongoDB compass and get solution quickly

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  16. Disable suggestions

    I would like to have some kind of "Settings" or "Preferences" to disable all annoing, time-cosuming messages that keep me off doing my tasks.

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  17. Automatically pre-call `mongod --dbpath <path>` for connections to localhost.

    On Windows, whenever we connect to a localhost mongo, we need to call mongod --dbpath <db path> in a Command Prompt or Powershell prompt before clicking the "Connect" button in Compass.
    So Compass should offer the ability to automatically "pre-call" that and then perform the connection (if call was successful).

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  18. Yellow triangle icon for "drop index" and other caution messages

    In MongoDB Compass, when I use the Drop Index functionality you get when clicking the "trash can" icon next to an index in the Indexes list on a collection, it shows a red "!" triangle icon in the upper left. That icon is used here to mean "Caution! You are about to do something dangerous!", as confirmed in Support case

    I think it's more conventional to use red icons, especially "!" or triangles like this, to indicate that an error has occurred, and warnings or cautions are more conventionally indicated in yellow. (There's probably some UI/UX documents or…

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  19. Automatic scrolling in Mongosh CLI in Mongo Compass

    Scroll down automatically to the end of the Mongosh CLI in Mongo Compass when entering quries like db.Collection.Find()

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  20. Option to always show the Project, Sort and Collation options

    Every new tab always has the Project, Sort and Collation options hidden by default, with only the Filter input displayed. You have to click "more options" to show the additional controls.

    I understand the space-saving rationale of this, but I use the sort option for easily 90% of queries I run, which makes clicking the 'more options' every time a bit of unnecessary friction.

    Maybe you could provide an option in settings to "always show all query options"? Or remember the last expanded/contracted state, and default to opening all new tabs in the same state?

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