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483 results found

  1. Ability to schedule "Hedged read" Turn on/off

    Customer experienced read latency during maintenance after sharding.
    Our guidance is to turn on "Hedged read" option.
    So the customer need to turn on/off "Hedged read" before/after maintenance, because turning on "hedged read" increase CPU usage that means server cost increasing.

    Currently "hedged read" on/off can be done by technical support from MongoDB but this feature is needed for operational efficiency and reducing human error.

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  2. Display a cluster tier size (e.g. M20) on the all Clusters page

    I am opening this new feature request on behalf of the customer. Would it be possible to display a cluster size (e.g. M20) on the main status page alongside other cluster information that's already on the page?

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  3. Add Atlas users to existing teams even though the Atlas user is still pending invite

    Currently when we send invite emails for the organization we have to wait for the users to accept the invite before we are able to configure project level permissions. This often creates confusion and bad user experience; when users first sign in they are anticipating to see their projects but instead they see nothing until configuration is finalized.

    Please make it possible to add users to teams which are still pending invite acceptance so the user experience is more seamless and less confusing.

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  4. Atlas policies

    In the MongoDB atlas portal, there should be a way to configure policies across an organization. ie: policies to restrict users from creating clusters from certain cloud providers (ie: azure), restrict users from creating databases of a certain size, etc.

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  5. Multitenancy of the billing section in MongoDB Atlas

    Hi MongoDB team,

    as the organization owner I don't want that my organizational members (developers, project owners etc.) have access to the billing section. Currently every member (independent on the granted rights) has the rights to see the complete billing section and can see the whole invoice incl. the names of the projects. This isn't acceptable regarding compliance because we are working together with external companies and their colleagues shouldn't have the ability to see all invoices.

    Please make the billing section of MongoDB Atlas available to handle multitenancy - so that only the organization owner can see the billing…

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  6. LDAP Authentication: Allow Private Endpoint to the customer

    Currently, LDAP Authentication from Atlas to a customer's LDAP service can go via the Internet or via VPC peering. In lieu of VPC peering, I propose using a Private Endpoint FROM Atlas TO a customer VPC that hosts the LDAP service.

    NOTE: This would NOT be using the same Private Endpoint connection that Atlas currently supports today, which allows customers to reach their clusters privately (Customer -> Atlas).
    This would be an additional Private Endpoint in the other direction (Atlas -> Customer).

    Advantages of using Private Endpoint vs VPC peering:
    * Security: The customer VPC is not exposed to Atlas,…

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  7. Allow customer encryption key validation time interval

    Currently, Atlas has a 15 minute interval where it checks access to remotely stored Customer Managed Encryption keys for the custom encryption at rest feature.

    This value is not changeable, and it implies a problem: access to encryption keys can be lost for longer periods than 15 minutes without that implying that the key has been invalidated by the customer.

    A perfect example of this was the recent Azure AD global outage that prevented all authentication to the Azure platform for about 3 hours (complete outage description: While the key used for one of our clusters was not…

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  8. Ability to create more than one index at once

    We have migrated a huge collection with nearly 100million records into Atlas. It takes 3 hours to add indexes to it using the rollover strategy and we have tens of indexes to create.

    It would be great to simply define all indexes once before starting to apply them.

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  9. Atlas - Preferences - My Date Format - allow 24hr

    We can specify date format but the time format is limited to 12hr clock. Please allow us to specify 24hr so the activity log and rest of the UI is a little easier to read. Thanks

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  10. general cpu class for M400 and M600

    Currently when selecting M400 or M600 only "Low CPU" class is available. Our only option to increase CPU is going back to M300 with "General" class to get 96cpu. We would benefit a lot from "General" option of 128cpu and 160cpu.

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  11. Add usability to tags

    Atlas has the option to set tags to clusters. But - now what? They are just pieces of text floating around, but are completely useless.
    How about enabling to filter clusters in a project or even organization based on those tags? Split costs based on them? Query them with API calls? I have no use of those tags when they are just texts in the main page of Atlas...

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  12. Cancel restore

    There should be an option to stop once the restoration is given. Or there should be an option to revert a backup restore. This is required because we can restore an old production back up to Production only. If by mistake we do that we should be able to revert back.

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  13. Add the possibility to add a description for IP's in access control list for API keys

    In the Atlas UI, allow to add a description in the IP's allowed to use an API key. This may improve security and ease management as it allows to easily maintain this list up to date.

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  14. Support Private Endpoint TO customer's VPC/VNet

    This would allow a Private Endpoint to connect FROM an Atlas Project TO a customer's VPC/Vnet (using AWS PrivateLink or Azure Private Link), for accessing private services like a private webhook for alerting, LDAP, and/or KMS

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  15. Support optional fallback to source cluster after cutover in Live Migration

    Live Migrate allows for migrations from non-Atlas clusters into Atlas by syncing data from the source to the Atlas destination, and then cutting over the application to direct workload to the destination.

    It's possible to test the application on the destination before cutover, but after cutover, there's no way to sync data in reverse in case unforeseen issues arise and it's necessary to fall back to the source (or another) cluster again.

    Having a "fallback sync" option could help with this.

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  16. Support for delayed replicas

    It would be great if Atlas provided support for hidden, priority 0 delayed replicas. For workloads that do not need real time data or situations where data recovery is needed, a delayed replica would be the fastest way to mitigate both of those scenarios.

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  17. Using replica set tags for invoice categorization

    Customer would like replica set tags added to the invoice as a column, in order to further categorize costs. In some instances, the customer has multiple products assigned to a single cluster, and putting the product name in the cluster won't suffice.
    The current solution is to use the Invoice API, and then call the Cluster API, in order to programmatically build out a CSV containing the cluster tags as an additional column in the CSV.

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  18. Enable setting the security.redactClientLogData parameter.

    We're using Atlas to store PII (HIPAA), and we need to store the log files for an extended period of time, but we don't want any PII / HIPAA data to be stored in the logs.

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  19. Hosting Atlas on DigitalOcean

    In addition to AWS, Azure and GC, give an option to host on DigitalOcean. DigitalOcean has a really cheap and well-made Kubernetes system that requires VPC because container IPs are always changing, and I would want them to connect to Atlas without having to just open Atlas to whitelist every IP.

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  20. Unique VPC Peer CIDR

    Prevent the same VPC Peer CIDR block, is it currently possible to have 2 projects with same CIDR block, which requires us to delete our clusters and peer before creating new clusters

    There should be a way to prevent them from having same CIDR block or the ability to change the CIDR block AFTER they are created

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