Update the regex used to split a database user import id to match the database name constraint
While doing terraform import of the mongo db users, i'm facing an issue with the mongo terraform provider.
The database name contains an underscore so my imported user ID is 5ceClusterId-username-my_database.
I've got the following error when i launch my terraform import:
Error: error splitting database User info from ID
│ import format error: to import a Database User, use the format {projectid}-{username}-{authdatabase_name}
Indeed the mongo tf provider uses a regex to split this ID and doesn't allow characters for db name others than $a-z.
=> https://github.com/mongodb/terraform-provider-mongodbatlas/blob/ebb67f86165e0a364e486e769678377db507f005/internal/service/databaseuser/resource_database_user.go#L349
Is it possible to update the regex to allow others characters like my underscore in this case, and maybe match only the constraints that are set on database's name creation ?
Best regards