Terraform Downward Autoscaling "Use Smallest possible" placeholder
When setting "providerautoscalingcomputemininstancesize", is it possible to either;
- Loosen the validation by ignoring current disk configuration size.
- Create a placeholder to indicate "Use smallest possible value".
Atlas appears to support invalid values, provided it was entered when it was valid.
I think this will help simplify deployment of "providerautoscalingcomputemininstancesize", we set the ideal value and THE MACHINE will interpret the best match and remove the possibility of a once valid Terraform definition becoming invalid without any updates on the definition. Like the following example,
1. I define an M30 Cluster with a Disk Size of 64gb and a minimum Cluster size of M10 through Terraform.
2. The Cluster's Disk Size is scaled to 129gb
3. Time passes.
4. I execute/run my previously valid Terraform definition, Terraform returns a validation failure.
This matters to us because it would simplify our MongoDB operations. "providerautoscalingcomputemininstancesize" is a parameterized value where, if empty, we use an instance size of M10. Having the deployment fail unexpectedly when updating/creating a cluster can be a frustrating experience (Especially when people do not read error messages).