Display "N/A" instead of "0" for doc count in timeseries collection in Compass
In Compass 1.36.4, when I look at a database that has a time-series collection in it, in its list of collections, it displays the collection as having "Documents: 0" and "Avg. document size: 0", even when there are some documents in it.
I think that's misleading. As I understand it, time-series collections do not support the estimated document count functionality that is used to populate these fields in the Compass GUI. That being the case, it might be better to display "n/a" or a blank in those fields, instead of a 0 which is not the correct value. A user not familiar with this functionality might think that it meant that there are in fact 0 documents in that collection, and then be like, "Oh no! Where did my data go?", or think that it was an empty collection and safe to load new data in to without risk of duplicates or inconsistent data.
The Cloud Manager website seems to display a "n/a" for these attributes in the same situation. That seems to me like a better approach.It would be nice if Compass did the same thing.