Add 1 second granularity to ATLAS metrics
At present the finest granularity of ATLAS metrics is 1 minute ,as the metrics are averaged by 1 minute , this would not provide info on spikes lasting less than few seconds
reducing the granularity to 1 second would give more insight

10-second level granularity for Atlas projects is available with M40+ clusters. More information on this is available here:
We are working to introduce 10-second level granularity for Atlas projects with M40+ clusters as a next step
Alona commented
Monitoring Data Storage Granularity 5 minutes for 48 hours is not enough. It would be good to see at least 1-2 months
Will commented
Rather than increasing granularity, just reporting the `max` rather than (or in addition to) the average would go a long way towards making the metrics useful.
We have to open up a support ticket to request "FTDC diagnostic data" every time our clusters do anything weird, and it's a pain.
Brian commented
For write heavy workloads, sub-minute granularity of disk latency and IOPS would be useful to visually identify the limits of performance.
Michael commented
We have also recently had alerts for metrics that we can not see more granularly. We have configured our IOPS for what we believe our usage is but have recently found out we have occasional sub minute spikes of much higher usage.
Victor commented
Having alerts that fire from data points at a finer granularity than the metrics, it is very misleading.
In our case, multiple alerts are triggering and then you see the metrics, and all looks fine.It makes debugging issues almost impossible.
Ofer commented
Hi Rez, please look at support case 00643354 - a short CPU usage spike causes disconnections from the server. This CPU spike is invisible to Atlas users since over a period of 1 minute the average cpu usage is smoothed down 60%.
I suggest exposing CPU (and possible network as well) at a finer granularity. -
AdminRez (Admin, MongoDB) commented
Hi Sudheer - Thanks for the feedback. We are considering this. What would you reckon are the most metrics to provide <1m granularity to and why?