Enable the use of the timeouts { ... } block in resource declarations.
Enable the use of the timeouts { ... } block in resource declarations. I consistently get a timeout error on destroy of resources:
Error: error deleting MongoDB Private Endpoints Connection(5e4e93f3c0073240658e5b1f): timeout while waiting for state to become 'DELETED, FAILED' (last state: 'DELETING', timeout: 2m0s)

The timeout on this resource has been increased (https://github.com/mongodb/terraform-provider-mongodbatlas/issues/151) and since then we’ve seen no reports hitting the timeout before completion of the deletion. If this is encountered again please file an issue at https://github.com/mongodb/terraform-provider-mongodbatlas/issues/ letting us know what resource is hitting a timeout, what version of the provider and terraform you are using, and any relevant logs.
Thank you!