remove the captcha from login, especially if 2 factor auth is enabled.
I very much dislike being asking to train ML models by doing picture identification just to login to my account. Please find a less offensive captcha process, or remove it entirely when 2 factor auth is enabled.

I am happy to update you that we have taken alternative security measures and reCAPTCHA challenge was removed from Atlas.
Jaime commented
The captchas are crazy, I haven't been forced so many times to recognize objects. Not designed for a hurry...
tj doyle commented
If I need to access a database in a hurry this can be seriously annoying and some modern captchas are getting ridiculous to solve which means that there is the potential to not be able to access the database at all in a crisis - which is my biggest worry here.
As the original post mentions some of us have 2FA, strong passwords, password manager. I login from the same browser with the same IP address every time and still I get hit with captcha.