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1378 results found
Enable setting the security.redactClientLogData parameter.
We're using Atlas to store PII (HIPAA), and we need to store the log files for an extended period of time, but we don't want any PII / HIPAA data to be stored in the logs.
7 votes -
Hosting Atlas on DigitalOcean
In addition to AWS, Azure and GC, give an option to host on DigitalOcean. DigitalOcean has a really cheap and well-made Kubernetes system that requires VPC because container IPs are always changing, and I would want them to connect to Atlas without having to just open Atlas to whitelist every IP.
7 votes -
Unique VPC Peer CIDR
Prevent the same VPC Peer CIDR block, is it currently possible to have 2 projects with same CIDR block, which requires us to delete our clusters and peer before creating new clusters
There should be a way to prevent them from having same CIDR block or the ability to change the CIDR block AFTER they are created
7 votes -
Alert for WiredTiger Cache
Can you please create an alert for WiredTiger metrics, such as used cache?
We had several cluster instances going over the 5% of used cached (dirty data) and would like to be notified when it happens.
SergeiThis is needed in order to determine whether
7 votes -
Change/Option to change Default Storage Compression to zlib
This is a feature request to change or provide an option to change Default Storage Compression to zlib
7 votes -
Ability to change First and Last Name
It would be good if users are able to modify their First and Last Name after account creation.
7 votes -
Improve "Query Targeting Alerts" alert by including the database name and collection name
The "Query Targeting Alerts" alert notification does not contain any reference to the database or collection that triggered it making it hard to figure out where it came from. A hostname reference would be very helpful.
6 votes -
Configuring provider with shared credentials file for secrets manager
Currently the provider allows configuration for secrets manager for the API key, however it looks like only static AWS credentials can be used which require assuming a role first and exporting environment variables. It would be much cleaner if you could support shared profiles, much like the AWS provider does
Specifically is static credentials, but would be great to add profile as an option as well.6 votes -
Export Aggregation Results as Metrics to Prometheus
Add support for exporting MongoDB aggregation results as Prometheus metrics. This would allow users to track custom queries and dynamic data, enabling more granular and meaningful monitoring and alerting in Prometheus and Grafana.
6 votes -
Performanse advisor node type filter (to exclude analytics)
Performance Advisor should allow selecting node types to exclude analytics nodes.
In most cases, analytics queries don't require indexes as queries are very different and might be filtered by any field.
6 votes -
Atlas Webhook Integration and Custom JSON Payload
Ability to specify a JSON body along with their Atlas Webhook's for additional functionality.
6 votes -
Integrar la alerta de Replication lag de Atlas en el API de Prometheus
Se solicita incluir métricas en el API de prometheus para poder implementar la alarma de Replication lag
6 votes -
Storage autoscaling of storage should also occur when Atlas searches are being rebuild
When the storage requirement exceeds the available storage when rebuilding Atlas searches a warning is issued and manual intervention is needed.
I would like that autoscaling of storage will occur when needed for rebuilding Atlas indexes.
This would save us time and no need to react to warnings.6 votes -
Alert for the absence of a snapshot backup policy
It would be great to have an alert option that notifies when there is a cluster configured without a backup policy defined.
This alert option would be helpful to ensure any defined company backup policy is audited and we are notified if a policy does not exist, or if someone accidently removes any defined policies on a give production cluster.
6 votes -
View billing information at project level
I think it would be a good idea to be able to see billing/invoices at project level. So the project owner will only see the consumption of his projects.
By giving project owners the "Organization Billing Viewer" role, we make it possible for them to see the billing for the whole organization. A new role for the project owner to view only their own project invoices would be nice.
6 votes -
Improved deletion protection against malicious users
Currently, the only option of preventing malicious admin users from deleting a cluster with all its backups is to enable a backup compliance policy. However, this policy is quite the beast with complex processes and guarded by a single user account (which could then as well be the malicious one).
It would be good to have some less impactful way of protection against malicious users.
For example, when deleting a project in Google Cloud, an email is sent to all project owners and the project including all of its data can easily be restored within a period of 30 days.…
6 votes -
All Clusters permission for ORG level roles
Today, for you to be able to use All Clusters you need to have permissions on each project, your user needs to be included in each project.
When we use a federation, we generally don't grant permission for each project to a team of administrators. We grant ORGOWNER, for example. By doing this, we lose access to All Clusters. The idea was to include the permission to use All Clusters for project-level permissions that have permissions to read project resources, for example ORGOWNER or ORGREADONLY.
6 votes -
Better auditing of App Service actions in Activity Feed
The Activity Feed should show who has created an app in the App Services. Currently this is not the case, instead you will find the following information in the Activity Feed:
A user(or Code Deployment) has deployed changes successfully to an App Service.
6 votes -
"Deviation from Norm" and "Frog Boil" type alerting
Currently Atlas only alerts us when CPU reaches a critical threshold such as 90%. We would like to see additional types of alerts to detect issues sooner, including the following.
- “Deviation from norm” - A given metric is X% worse than the Y-hour average at the same time window for the past Z days (e.g. “CPU today at 4am is much worse than the average of 3am ~ 4am for the past 7 days”.)
- “Frog boils” - A given metric is becoming progressively X% worse over Y hours / days / weeks (e.g. "CPU usage is 10% higher on average…
6 votes -
I would like to compact to oplog myself instead of opening cases to resize it
To compact my oplog and reclaim 300GB of disk space right after I finisihed migrating a database to Atlas using mongomirror, I had to open a support case. With that we were able to reduce our cluster tier thanks to lowering the disk tier (Azure deployment)
It would be nice to do it myself to be faster without opening a case with severity 4 that will take me at least 2 days to accomplish that. Also, I assume that people without a subscription can't do it since you have to open a case which is exclusive only if you have…
6 votes
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