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151 results found
option to create a final snapshot before deleting a cluster
Today when an Atlas cluster is deleted, all backups/snapshots of this cluster are deleted along with it.
This is especially an issue when working with automation tools like terraform, where a cluster can be deleted by accident easily.
In AWS Aurora Postgres, for example, there is an option to create a "final snapshot" before deleting the cluster.
If this option is enabled for a cluster, whenever a user triggers the deletion of the cluster (either manually, via API, or any other method), a final snapshot will be created, before the cluster is deleted.
This final snapshot is then available independently…
91 votesHello All,
I am pleased to announce that in Atlas you now have an option to retain all backups when terminating an M10+ cluster.
When you terminated a cluster through the Atlas Ui, on the termination confirmation pop up, you will now see an additional toggle labeled "Keep existing snapshots after termination". If you select this option when terminating your cluster, all of your backups for that cluster will be retained.
You can also choose to retain you backups for a cluster when deleting a cluster through the Atlas Administration API. When deleting a cluster through the API, you can include the retainBackups parameter and this will retain all of your backups after termination as well.
You can view or use the backups from a terminated (or other active) M10+ cluster by selecting the "Backup" tab in the left side navigation of the Atlas UI.
At any…
Integration with Microsoft Teams
Add third-party service integration for Microsoft Teams, as we do for Slack.
Most likely the following can be leveraged to achieve the integration: votesThis is now available! You can find the integration on the integrations page in Cloud. Documentation to follow in coming days.
Show all team users on one page
When we do SOC2 reviews, we have to take screenshots of the permissions various users have. Currently, a specific "team" in Atlas only shows 5 users at a time and is paginated. Taking screenshots of 5 users at a time is pretty tedious, so it would be amazing to have a page with the full list.
2 votes -
Export metrics to Prometheus
Currently there is only a community supported Prometheus integration (exporter) available which polls db.serverStatus() and doesn't include as much metrics as the Atlas UI/API provides. A similar integration as with New Relic and Datadog would help many customers that are using Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring.
83 votes -
Change Azure snapshot backups from LRS to GRS
Sorry but this is a must. GRS is a 2 region datacenter backup, LRS only 1. Fire or disaster will take out everything if LRS is used.
2 votesHello,
We recently released a feature that we call Snapshot Distribution which allows any Atlas user to copy their backups into additional cloud provider regions that are supported in Atlas.
This allows you to store the backups in whatever region you prefer automatically. In the event of a disaster in a cloud provider region, Atlas will intelligently use a backup copy in an additional region for a restore.
You can read more about this in this blog, , and our docs, .
Alert when a snapshot restore succeeds/fails
Simply send an email alert when a restore finishes (or errors).
This is important for us because we run a restore (from prod to qa) every weekend and it takes over 14 hours. If it fails, we need to know so we can quickly kick it off again before Monday. Otherwise the QA team will be dead in the water.
9 votesIn Atlas, you can now create alerts related to backup.
Support native Azure authentication for the DB, e.g. service principal
Customers often want centralized permissioning for the database and LDAP is not generally supported well in the cloud. If a customer is using Azure, they want us to support Azure AD for database authentication. I believe that means using service principals
32 votesYour applications can now access Atlas Clusters with Azure Service Principals including Azure Managed Identities using MongoDB Workload Identity Federation ( The feature is supported by MongoDB 7.0.11 dedicated clusters (M10 and above).
For your workforce access, we recommend to use Workforce Identity Federation ( with your corporate identity provider such as Azure Entra ID.
Thank you for your feedback.
atlas portal ip whitelist
We were given this idea from a security audit.
From a security-in-depth perspective we would like to be able to restrict logins on the atlas portal to only whitelisted IP's, this would be analog as to how API whitelisting works at the organization level.
This is to prevent login's other than from our permitted sites.8 votes -
SSO integration for Atlas UI
Enabling SSO for the Atlas interface would limit the ability for outside people to gain access to our accounts. It would also provide us with enterprise tools for managing user access.
Currently we are using Atlas credentials to log into the Atlas frontend. This appears to be a security risk long term as people could hack into our account and create/destroy resources.
3 votes -
Atlas Activity feed should be searchable by cluster
The Atlas activity feed is currently searchable by Type of event. It should have an option to search by cluster name to quickly narrow down any particular activities relating to a particular cluster
1 voteThis was completed sometime ago.
Allow Pending Users to be Added to a Team
When trying to implement Atlas infrastructure for Organization/Project users, the Teams functionality is useless unless we can add pending users to a Team. Right now, if a new user doesn't login for two weeks, we can't assign them to a Team until two weeks after the implementation was supposed to be configured.
18 votes -
"Chaos testing" for Atlas - simulate node(s) down
The current "Test Failover" feature supports testing application/driver resiliency in case of elections. For additional testing, we want to be able to cause a node or nodes to be shut down and started up in a cluster. There should be selectivity allowing the entire node or just the mongod or mongos process to be shut down and started up.
33 votes -
Support a broader range of 2FA providers
Introduce compatibility with additional 2FA providers for Atlas customers, such as:
- Authy
- Microsoft Authenticator
- Okta Verify
- Duo1 vote -
LDAP configuration using Terraform
We would like to be able to use Terraform to configure LDAP authentication/authorization on projects.
The functionality is available via the API:, go-client-mongodb-atlas does not have these endpoints implemented, so that would need to be done before this functionality is included in the provider.
36 votesLDAP is now available in versions 0.9.0 of the provider.
Cluster Termination Protection
It is possible to quickly delete an entire cluster, for example through terraform, if you're not careful.
It would be great to have a "Termination Protection" feature that can only be disabled in the Admin UI and not via the public APIs.
In terraform I could then enable it like so
resource "mongodbatlas_cluster" "my_cluster" { enable_delete_protection = true }
When I would run
terraform destroy
the cluster should not be destroyed and instead the API returns an error saying that the Cluster has Termination Protection enabled. If I want to disable it, I can login to the Admin UI, select…66 votesYou can now set "Termination Protection" for your Atlas cluster. For more information, see
Allow to set teams to users by Federated Authentication
When an Atlas User logs in by a Federated Authentication (like Okta) there is only a "Default User Role" to control its permission, so all users get the same role. And after that, we must manually add to teams, or change their roles. It would be better to allow the IdP to set (and update) the groups/teams for each user automatically.
32 votesThis has been released —>
You can now map IDP groups to Atlas Roles between Orgs and Projects. We do not support mapping to teams, that is not planned.
In much the same way that Amazon RDS has a public/private setting, could you add a setting to Atlas that lets us make the DNS entries for our cluster resolve to their private IPs all the time instead of just inside a VPC?
This would improve security by routing our connection through a VPN into a VPC that has a peering connection with Atlas' VPC. To accomplish this now, one must to find the private IPs of a cluster and create local, manual DNS entries in a router or on a machine.
2 votes -
Add 1 second granularity to ATLAS metrics
At present the finest granularity of ATLAS metrics is 1 minute ,as the metrics are averaged by 1 minute , this would not provide info on spikes lasting less than few seconds
reducing the granularity to 1 second would give more insight21 votes10-second level granularity for Atlas projects is available with M40+ clusters. More information on this is available here:
Service status
Well, my DB is down... I would like to have a link to a page where you list real time status of your services and if down, the current status of the ongoing fix
1 vote -
Mongodb 4.2 pit_enabled argument on mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_snapshot_restore_job
While version 0.4.0 of the MongoDB Atlas Terraform provider did introduce the pitenabled argument on the mongodbatlascluster resource, it does not appear that the mongodbatlascloudprovidersnapshotrestore_job was updated to be able to restore from a point-in-time.
Currently, the option is available in the Web UI but there is no way to automate it via Terraform scripts.
1 voteThese options will be included with the release we will cut shortly, v0.6.0. Thank you for the feedback and please continue to provide it either here or directly to
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