- A brief description of what you are looking to do
- How you think this will help
- Why this matters to you
179 results found
Stackdriver Integration
Atlas Monitoring UI is great, but to ease centralization of alerts and dashboards..., it would be nice to have all atlas metrics in Cloud Monitoring too.
9 votes -
Elections bar colors in Metrics should be more vivid
The atlas metrics show node election statuses in colors - red/orange and brown. When there are multiple re-elections in a short period of time, these all merge together making it hard to decipher the order of occurrence - especially the near overlap of orange and brown Having vivid/contrasting colors should make debugging easier.
It would be helpful if some aspect about the x-axis would tell you what status the node was in at a given time. For example: the x-axis is also that color from time X to time Y, and then the node was demoted/down and the axis turns…
24 votes -
Add replica set name to cluster info main page
It would be nice to get quick access to the name of the replica set from the cluster overview page.
6 votes -
Rename Hardware Metric "Util %"
Under hardware metrics for a given replica set, there is a metric for "Util %". It is unclear on what this represents. After careful digging through the documentation, it appears to be a metric for Disk Bandwidth Utilization. I believe the metric name should be updated to reflect at least "Disk Util %", if not something more specific.
11 votes -
Profiler window should auto zoom to sampling period and show sampling period range
Atlas documentation states that the Query Profiler shows up to 10,000 queries within the past 24 hours:
However, it is confusing to see that the Profiler cannot show more than a couple hours of data, likely because it is hitting the 10,000 entry limit.
The plot still shows a view showing 24 hours of time, but only the past couple hours have data plotted, misleadingly indicating that there are no slow queries before a couple hours ago – here's an example:
Atlas should make the sampling time window clear in the Query Profiler graph so that we…
9 votes -
Separate Atlas metric graphs of the outgoing traffic from the internal/replication traffic in Atlas cluster
This is a request to separate Atlas metric graphs of the outgoing traffic from the internal/replication traffic in Atlas cluster
4 votes -
disk iops
The Disk IOPS graph shows 2 colored lines. (read/write). It would be great to add a third line which is the SUM of the 2 lines. Or... a toggle switch so we can see the sum line instead of the 2 components. Thanks!
15 votes -
Add eventTypeName for Maintenance Windows in alertConfigs response
After adding a maintenance window to an Atlas project, the alertConfigs returns additional entries that do not include an eventTypeName field, it seems that these additional entries relate to the maintenance window but it's not clear:
"created" : "2020-02-28T16:04:18Z",
"enabled" : true,
"groupId" : "",
"id" : "",
"links" : [ {
"href" : "***/alertConfigs/5e593a02559f765dca07acfe",
"rel" : "self"
} ],
"matchers" : [ ],
"notifications" : [ {
"delayMin" : 0,
"emailEnabled" : true,
"intervalMin" : 60,
"roles" : [ "GROUPOWNER" ],
"smsEnabled" : false,
"typeName" : "GROUP"
} ],
"updated" : "2020-02-28T16:04:18Z"
},…1 vote -
There might already be a way to do this, but I cannot find it. Please provide a way to combine "all primary" metrics into a single chart.
I love your metrics, but I hate that when primary moves from one server to another I get "data gaps" in my graphs. So then it becomes exceedingly difficult to look at temporal variations... requiring splicing together multiple segments from 2 or 3 different graphs.
I have attached a picture of what I am talking about. You can see that primary moved over for a few days so I get a graph with…
9 votes -
1 vote
Show a graph of BANKED iops (AWS)
Atlas monitoring is great... but it would be super helpful to see a graph of banked iops. (or an approximation of this)
Suppose my iops limit is 100... and during the night my bank gets fully charged to 5.4MM.
During the heavy loads on my server, let's say my iops jump to a steady 500. This means that I am drawing 400 units from my bank. I can do this for 3.75 hours until my bank is exhausted.It would be so helpful to see an iops bank balance drawing down during peak, recharging during off-peak... and thus getting insight…
11 votes -
More granular results in Activity Feed
I can't see all the data I want today
1 vote -
Metrics "seconds" improvement
The uppercase "S" on the metrics which indicates seconds, can be slightly misleading as it can appear to be the number 5 when placed next to another number. This is especially misleading on the Replication Lag metric. It may be easer to read as a lowercase "s" or abbreviating with "sec".
2 votes -
Expose OAuth2 for Slack integration to API
I think to have the third party integrations as Terraform resources would be ideal, but currently the Slack integrations supports OAuth2 via UI and not via API. It would be good to be able to configure this through the API, so that this can be automated.
1 vote -
Official ServiceNow Connector
Would love to see an official connector to ServiceNow for automatic ticket creation triggered by various database alerts.
21 votes -
Invoice: Ability to post items to a collection daily
You have daily line items on invoices. It would be great to be able to configure our billing to post to one of our collections. This would allow me to put charts on top of usage across all of our project and not just monthly
2 votes -
Yellow exclamation icon should have a tooltip or explanation
Often in the cluster card, or in the cluster panel, one or more processes are marked with a yellow warning icon (instead of a green dot). However there is no indication about what this means or how to fix it.
Can there be a tooltip or explanation about what this icon represents?
33 votes -
Would love to have a little bit more info in the webhook to know what caused the election, or that there was an upgrade (vs a server failure
Would love to have a little bit more info in the webhook to know what caused the election, or that there was an upgrade (vs a server failure) in the db!
MongoDB AtlasAPP 12:10 PM
Project: myProjectOrganization: myProject (Organization)
Replica set elected a new primary
Created: 2020/01/03 11:10 PST
Replica Set: my-cluser-shard-0
Current Member State
DOWN: 1 member
SECONDARY: 1 memberPRIMARY: 1 member
love the service team, thanks a ton!2 votes -
Export metrics to AWS Cloudwatch
Have an integration with AWS Cloudwatch to send the metrics from MongoDB Clusters to Cloudwatch so metrics and alarms can be setup in CW.
20 votes
- Don't see your idea?