252 results found
Number Formatting
When we use a chart type column - grouped option, in Y-Axis we are showing different data types (amounts and numbers). We cannot use the custom number formatting because it applies in both of data types. We would like to have the ability to apply custom number formatting to each columns.
11 votes -
Allow to customize/substitute mongodb logo on publicly shared dashboard
As described, it would be nice to have publicly shared dashboard to have own logo or hide the existing mongodb logo(just like embedded chart).
11 votes -
Enable integration with REACT
Enable native integration of MongoDB Charts with REACT-based applications.
11 votes -
Ability to customize label data
When hovering over a data marker, I can see a box showing the X, Y values as well as the series. It would be quite useful to be able to include additional fields from the data source in that popup. In our case, we're plotting performance data for different commits, and while we do have the commit sha and can manually lookup information about the commit, it would be great to just have the commit message, author, and date at a glance in the charts.
10 votes -
Locale formatting
In the tab 'Customize' you can (de-)activate the thousands separators,
The visual representation is in english locale, e.g. 1,000.00I would like to be able to change this to another locale. For german locale the number formatting should be 1.000,00
10 votes -
Customize MongoDB Charts - Chart title
Can we please have general customization option for chart title as well? Currently we are only allowed to edit the chart title but we cannot format it in anyway. It would be a good option to change the font color, size, style etc. for chart titles.
10 votesThanks for the suggestion Priyanka. We are currently adding the ability to add a description to a chart, which can include rich text and hyperlinks.
Date binning by quarter
It would be great to be able to bin dates by quarter. In particular, it would be nice to have financial quarters with a customizable start date for the financial year.
10 votes -
Add little icons to customize widgets
Can we have little icons we can add on certain charts just below the title, or as a separate widget ? For example numbers charts, it can be even more appealing for people who aren't use to mongodb charts
9 votes -
Possibility to create http link on text charts
I'd like to define an http link in table chart for a column.
Also, I'd like to use dynamic data (from the document) in the link.
9 votes -
Customize MongoDB Charts - Chart font
Can we please have a customization option (font styling) for the chart's text? It would be great if we can change the font styles(font-family) of the binns, text and data, etc used in the chart.
9 votes -
Please let us save chart without closing
Right now if I want to save my changes to a chart, I have to click "Save and Close". I would love an option to just save the changes, as I often change something and reload the code where I embed a chart.
9 votes -
Dashboards with tabs
It would be great if dashboard creator could add tabs to the dashboard and for example group charts in categories
9 votes -
Ability to set refresh rate via url param
We have dashboards that run on TVs without human interactions
I cannot change the refresh rate without human interactionYou could add a ?refresh=5m to the url
9 votes -
Dashboard quick navigation
When viewing a dashboard, it would be great to have a drop down for quick navigation to other dashboards without having to navigate back to the dashboard overview page first.
9 votes -
Combining collections from two different database
allow to combine Collection A from DB1 and Collection B from DB2
8 votes -
Sum as Annotation, Include "Previous Period"
I am using Charts to track "direct" sales of my app. Other sales charts, like those featured on Stripe's dashboard or Mac App Store, feature a sum and "previous period" metric that quickly shows you how much sales are up/down for a given period. See attached.
8 votes -
Convert data timezone via injection from JS SDK
As a Saas provider i would like to have a single chart and stored the data in ISO format. Display the same chart to business from different continents with local time for fields like createdAt or updatedAt.
Currently the way to do this is clone the same chart and set convert to tz for each chart and serve them
7 votes -
Possibility to use filter parameters in later stages
We use embedded charts with aggregate queries for comparison of multiple date values. In our case, we are in conversations, we want to know for a certain week how many conversations were started and how many finished.
We do this book filtering on $or for the startdate to be in range OR the finished date to be in range. This works well. The problem is that later on, for instance in my aggregate query I would like to use the filter values pushed in by the embed URL, for instance in $group or $facet stages.
Suggestion : make the filter…
7 votes -
6 votes
Export chart or dashboard image programmatically
Ideally, some API access to charts so a PNG or PDF could be rendered server-side.
Would be great if the @mongodb-js/charts-embed-dom npm package could be used to get the PNG of a chart or dashboard.
This must be possible somehow since the scheduled reports can send a PNG via email. For my use case, I would like to send these images to S3.
6 votes
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