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MongoDB Charts is the best way to create visualizations of MongoDB data. Connect to any MongoDB instance as a data source, create charts and graphs, embed them into your applications or build live dashboards for sharing and collaboration.
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252 results found

  1. Update the alignment of the plugs in the image on the login screen

    The "plugs" circled in pink below don't align with the object they're plugging into and it triggers my OCD every time. For a technically correct engineering product, this seems totally off-brand.

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  2. Allow unifying billing chart for more than one organization

    Atlas provides a billing dashboard for one organization, or for linked organization. In my company we have two unlinked organization as we differentiate support levels so they cannot be linked.
    We'd love to see an option to use multiple such organization in one billing board, for example by allowing multiple billing APIs to be used or any other background ingestion option.
    Thank you!

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  3. when moving a chart to a dashboard, it would be nice to make that drop down screen wider so I can see the whole title of the dashboard I wan

    when moving a chart to a dashboard, it would be nice to make that drop down screen wider so I can see the whole title of the dashboard I want to move it to. Currently, I use the same beginning text for my clients and then add the dates at the end. So I need to see the dates of the dashboard to move the chart correctly. thank you.

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  4. Add more options to sort the data in the charts

    Right now you can currently only sort stacked charts when there is a string value on the x axis. We would like the ability to be able to sort the data by series or by data value (high to low). Additionally, it would be great if the sort function in charts was more in depth so that you could sort all chart types (table, stacked, etc). It would also be nice if you could add two sorts to a table (similar to excel or other data viz tools).

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  5. getImage() api isn't honouring the showAttribution flag on dashboard or chart

    dashboard.getImage() is showing the MongoDB logo despite setting showAttribution: false when we create the dashboard object.

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  6. Ability to download data for all charts from embedded dashboard level

    When we embed a whole dashboard using charts SDK, we have an option to download the dashboard as Image using getImage() api. However, we have no option to download underlying data of all charts.

    Tried Alternate:
    Dashboard API has getAllChart API which returns an array of DashboardChart objects, which contain only the chartId (from the metadata perspective of the chart). We can download the data using getData(), however we don't get business context (i.e. title of chart etc) to establish the relation of specific data with specific chart.

    So the request is to offer a feature to download all charts…

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  7. Photo Editing

    I see some site who using toggle Dark Theme in their toogle button of Photo Editing App.

    Most dashboards from various services let you switch to Dark Mode, which is easier on the eyes and helps save a lot of energy.


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  8. Optimizing ERP Insights with MongoDB Charts

    For integrating MongoDB with ERP software, consider leveraging MongoDB Charts to create customized visualizations of your ERP data. By connecting MongoDB as a data source, you can build dynamic dashboards that provide real-time insights into key ERP metrics such as inventory levels, financial performance, and sales trends. This integration will enhance your ability to analyze and present ERP data effectively, allowing for better decision-making and streamlined business operations. Additionally, you can embed these visualizations into your ERP system for a cohesive user experience, making it easier for your team to access and interpret critical information. Recommended ERP: or other…

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  9. Add support for logs on serverless instances

    Right now, creating serverless instances on Atlas implies in not being able to download the logs as per

    I request that we either add that capability, or add a new feature that allows us for browsing the recent logs

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  10. Add refresh settings to .charts export

    When exporting a Chart (.charts) the refresh settings are not included and thus lost when imported elsewhere.

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  11. show percentage in stack bar chart

    would be good if we can show percentage as addition label in the stack bar chart instead of creating another percentage stackbar

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  12. Calculate column percentage

    It would be great to have the possibility to show the results of the column in a percentage from the whole column:
    - 15 : 12,5%
    - 55 : 45,8%
    - 20 : 16,7%
    - 30 : 25%

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  13. option for consistent whole number display regardless data in bar chart

    Currently in Bar charts if small values result in decimal ticks on the X axis, and larger values adjust the chart accordingly to show whole numbers, it will be not idle when we need to show no. of persons in x axis, which shows decimal values, option for consistent whole number display regardless data will be good

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  14. Lookup fields with String and ObjectId on either side

    We are evaluating Atlas Charts for our business analytics. Right now it is not possible to create a lookup in the UI from a String to an ObjectId field. Based on this answer ( it is possible by adding a small aggregation stage, but we plan on giving this to team members who do not know how to write aggregation pipelines.

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  15. Allow the injected filter for authenticated embedding to be injected as the first filter in pipeline

    When you embed a chart with authenticated access you have the option to inject a function that returns a MongoDB Query to be injected as a filter on the chart. In this function you have access to the context object which provides info about the current user (token), this gives you the ability to filter the data per tenant in case of multi-tenant applications, but since this filter is only applied as chart filter and not as filter in the aggregation pipeline of the chart or as filter in the view used by the chart, it's really difficult to hit…

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  16. Table Chart > Show Totals > Show Avg > Show Max > etc....

    Allow the "summary" row to show EITHER Totals, Or Average, Or MAX, OR etc....

    Take a look at any Excel pivot table to see how this functionality is implemented

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  17. Refresh default to Infinity

    New Charts Refresh initially set to 1 hour - but in building phase do NOT want charts to refresh. Default shoul be set to INFINITY, so chart stays static, and let USE CASE determine refresh frequency.

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  18. Report - embed image into e-Mail instead of attaching it

    The generated dashboard report would look more impressive if the chart would be directly embedded into the email, above or below the message.

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  19. Line Breaks for Report Message

    The Message text you enter for a report does not have any line breaks although there are linebreaks in the input field.

    HTML Text would of course also be an option.

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  20. Notify when report generation failed

    We can schedule to generate reports of dashbaords but no report nor notify will be send when you failed to generate the image of the dashbaord. When we include too many charts or too heavy charts, dashboard will fail to generate some chart (timeout will happen) but we cannot notice it because you don't send notification or log about it.

    Please let us know about report generation fail and make us to fix it.

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