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MongoDB Charts is the best way to create visualizations of MongoDB data. Connect to any MongoDB instance as a data source, create charts and graphs, embed them into your applications or build live dashboards for sharing and collaboration.
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22 results found

  1. Ability to send email / slack alerts based on the data in the charts

    Charts usually contain aggregated / pivoted data. Ability to alert on a specific variable would be great !

    44 votes
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  2. Data source substitution

    Please add an ability to use same charts with different data sources

    39 votes
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  3. Permissions level to create charts but not data sources

    We use the new data source pipelines feature to scrub our data sources of sensitive information. Unfortunately, though, right now if a user has permission to create a chart, then they have permission to create data sources. This undoes all of the work to protective sensitive information! Having a permission level that allows a user to create new charts but not new data sources would greatly improving the security/privacy of our data when working with MongoDB Charts.

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    under review  ·  Tom responded

    Thanks for the feedback Eric. Your scenario is very valid and we’d like to support this. We’d like to integrate this into the Atlas permissions model properly, rather than make it a Charts-only thing, so it may take us a little while to sort this out.

  4. Increase query timeout

    Sometimes it tooks too long to execute queries on large Collections (loading data for charts)

    13 votes
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    Tom responded

    Timeout was increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. There aren’t currently plans to increase it further, but keeping the issue open in case it needs it be looked at again in the future.

  5. Combining collections from two different database

    allow to combine Collection A from DB1 and Collection B from DB2

    8 votes
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  6. See the charts used by a data source

    When editing the pipeline for a data source, there is a message saying "This data source is used by one or more charts. Any changes to the pipeline may impact these charts."

    It would be nice to have a convenient way to see a list of the charts used by that data source, so that I can fix the charts after modifying the data source pipeline.

    Currently, I need to go to each of my charts and click on the "Edit" button to see which data source it is using, which is inconvenient if I have a lot of charts.

    4 votes
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  7. Data Source Management API

    It would be helpful for bulk management to have an API to remove/add or modify data sources.

    4 votes
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  8. Provide your individual developers access to specified data sources without providing them access to all of the datasources

    We want to provide your individual developers access to specified data sources without providing them access to all of the datasources in the Atlas Project.

    Unfortunately this is not possible as Charts permissions are at the Project level. Any user provided access to a datasource in a Project will have access to all datasources in that Project.

    We want to have the ability to set datasource access permissions per user.

    Best regards,

    3 votes
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  9. Bulk delete data sources

    Bulk remove data sources instead of one by one.

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  10. 3 votes
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  11. Default source

    When adding a chart normally you are using the same data source over and over. Why not pre-select that data source so that you avoid having to click that per every chart you add

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  12. search for nested field return all the irrelvant fields

    When searching a sub field, by default it's expand all fields under it's parent field and those irrlevent fields will overwhelming the search result and we can't find what we acutally looking for.

    Please make search only return needed result or at least collaps irrelevent fields by default

    related issue

    2 votes
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  13. Suggestions on indexes

    I would to be able to see the queries targeting different data sources and even better would be to get suggestions based on data source of indexes that could improve the performance of charts. Since the people managing the data itself in our case won't create the graphs this would help.

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  14. Expose MongoDB Logs as a Data Source to Charts

    I'd like to be able to chart some of the metrics from the logs into Charts. This will allow me to have one central place to see all the relevant data I want to chart.

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  15. Use datasources from multiple projects

    Currently it seems to only be possible to create charts from databases on a single Project. My org has many teams using Atlas and we each work in separate Projects but occasionally we want to provide visualizations of our data that cross teams. Currently we can't do that because Charts is tied to a single project. To be clear, I'm not interested in being able to combine data from multiple databases into a single chart, but rather into multiple charts in the same dashboard.

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  16. Different Security Level to Add Data Sources

    I would like to restrict who can add data sources to a charts project.
    I want to allow individuals to author their own dashboards and charts but I would like a smaller group the ability to add data source

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  17. Allow $merge aggregation for Charts data sources

    We would like to have separate databases for each client. They will have access to dashboards we create with their respective data but we would like to have some dashboards for internal use that combine the data from multiple clients. Merging collections in different db's would accomplish this.

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  18. Do not allow same item to be added to data sources

    We are seeing that we will have the same data source added multiple times.
    This is confusing to the end user

    1 vote
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    planned  ·  Tom responded

    Thanks Scott. We currently allow this because it’s possible the user would want to have multiple data sources pointing to the same collection, but with different data source pipelines.

    That said I agree 100% that it’s confusing, and we have some plans to rework data sources to avoid this situation.

  19. Allow non Atlas data on Dashboard

    In the on-prem version of Charts the page at


    From the Data Sources list, click the New Data Source button.
    Enter the Connection String URI of the MongoDB deployment to which you want to connect.

    For the Atlas version I would like to pull data from any of my Internet accessible MongoDB servers to form a more complete enterprise dashboard. Much like with Compass, all that is needed is a connection string and you are off too charting. The strict only Atlas data access is a bit too restrictive IMHO.

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  20. Make Mongo Charts works with self hosted database

    I want to keep hand on my data and prefer to run mongodb database on my servers.

    Mongo charts is not so easy to maintain compared to mongoDB so i am interested in the cloud solution, but connected on my self hosted databases.

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