Include MongoDB Shell (mongosh) and MongoDB Tools (mongoimport, mongoexport, mongodump, mongorestore) in Atlas Local Docker Image
Please add the mongo shell and database tools to the Atlas Local docker image (mongodb/mongodb-atlas-local).
When working with MongoDB and docker, it is a frequent requirement to perform routine maintenance on the database, add seed data, initialise indexes and other tasks.
Today the Atlas Local docker image (mongodb/mongodb-atlas-local) does not include the following useful utility processes:
- MongoDB Shell (mongosh)
MongoDB Tools
- mongoimport
- mongoexport
- mongodump
- mongorestore
With the result that it is not possible (without using another container or installing local client tools / libraries) to perform such activities as:
- intialise the database with indexes
- initialise with seed data (useful when testing)
- run tasks to configure security and other database parameters
- run adhoc scripts for database maintenance
By contrast the community and enterprise docker containers have the tools:
mongod mongoexport mongoimport mongos mongostat
mongodump mongofiles mongorestore mongosh mongotop
mongocryptd mongodump mongoimport mongorestore mongostat
mongod mongoexport mongokerberos mongos mongotop
mongodecrypt mongofiles mongoldap mongosh
I would suggest that the tools installed on the community edition docker image be added to the atlas container at a minimum.

Mongosh and the MongoDB tools are now available in the MongoDB Atlas Local Dev container image. Thanks for voting on this request.
Luke commented
Thanks so much! This has already made a real difference to us at Clarifresh, where we are using these tools to load seed data for our JUnit tests, and TestContainers to instantiate the Atlas Local container.
Eoin commented
For the Atlas local docker image, include the mongodb database tools and the education sample archive in the container image.
Specifically to ensure there is no external steps to get the data or install the tools so data can be seeded immediately in the container with a single command to allow users a more seamless/friction free experience. This isn't too dissimilar to what was done for the deeplearning ai course. Ideally, this would be available prior to .local London (pretty please!)
It'd also help get over some annoying GLIBC issues.