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  1. Webpage session expiry - introduce inactivity timeout

    Currently one can specify a "Session Max Hours" - The number of hours before a website session expires and a user must login again.
    This should be replaced or enhanced with an "Inactivity timeout".
    We have the requirement to set a timeout due to PCI.
    However with the current implementation I have to re-login to the website even when working actively with OPS Manager. An inactivity timeout would allow to be logged out when I am not working on the OPS Manager, but not whilst working with it.

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  2. Grant permission to access Real Time tab to Project Read Only users

    Accessing the Real Time metrics tab requires at least the Project Monitoring Admin role but this role has other privileges to administer alerts and manage hosts as well.

    It is more appropriate to enable the read-only access user (Project Read Only role) to access the Real Time metrics tab.

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  3. ability to re-order alerts

    when you add new alert there is no way in GUI to order/reorder them. It's hard to maintain large set of alerts.

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  4. Send alert when RECOVERING node has failed due to being too stale to sync from any available node

    Ops Manager users with hundreds or even thousands of replica set members (hosts/nodes) need an alert that indicates a nodes is in RECOVERING state and is too far behind the oplog to recover without manual intervention. This information is present in the mongod log file. However, Ops Manager should generate a separate alert for this unique and important state. Without this alert, it is not immediately clear when a user needs take action to bring a replica set back to a healthy state.

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  5. Enable Ops Manager alerts on any FATAL or ERROR lines in the mongod/mongos logs

    What is the problem that needs to be solved?

    All possible error states and failures reported in the mongod and mongos log files are not raised as alerts in the Ops Manager alerting system. This prevents users from configuring alerts on important events in MongoDB deployments.

    Why is it a problem? (the pain)

    For some users specific errors such as FATAL or ERROR lines in the mongod log need to be alerted and addressed with urgency. Since the specific high priority event is different for different users, a configurable, string matching (regex) driven alerting system that constantly monitors the mongod

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  6. Allow configuring Ops Manager to ignore proxy for internal requests

    A very common Enterprise HTTP Proxy configuration is to deny requests from local networks (,,

    In hybrid mode, the Backup Mode attempts to download the binaries from itself locally through the proxy. This brings to errors as the proxy is blocking the local traffic.

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  7. Possibility to send an alert over all/selected alert channels, if all/selected alerts can't be delivered

    What is the problem that needs to be solved? Send an alert over all/selected alert channels, if all/selected alerts can't be delivered by Ops Manager's Application Server.

    Why is it a problem? (the pain) We can miss an alert (or multiple alerts) from Ops Manager's Application Server if configured alert channel become unavailable since all Ops Manager Alerts are working in fire-and-forget style without any checks/mechanisms to see if the alert was delivered (some alert types can't have that guarantee at all (e.g. SNMP Alert Traps)).

    Ops Manager - Alerting Framework.png flow diagram has been attached to this Feature Request…

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  8. Add support for collections with default locale

    At present if a collection has a default collation configured, sharding such a namespace via Ops Manager results in a failure with the following symptom:

    <myCluster_mongos_131> [13:21:17.050] Plan execution failed on step ShardCollections as part of move ShardCollections : <myCluster_mongos_131> [13:21:17.050] Failed to apply action. Result = <nil> : <myCluster_mongos_131> [13:21:17.050] Error calling shardCollection on sh.myColl with key = [[a 1]] : <myCluster_mongos_131> [13:21:14.994] Error executing WithClientFor() for cp=mubuntu:27017 (local=false) connectMode=AutoConnect : <myCluster_mongos_131> [13:21:14.993] Error running command for runCommandWithTimeout(dbName=admin, cmd=[{shardCollection sh.myColl} {key [{a 1}]} {unique false}]) : result={} identityUsed=mms-automation@admin[[MONGODB-CR/SCRAM-SHA-1]][24] : (BadValue) Collection has default collation: collation: { locale: "fr", caseLevel:

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  9. Add Ops Manager's Org ID/Org Name/Project Name into Project/Global Alerts API calls & Alert Webhooks

    What is the problem that needs to be solved? Ops Manager's Org ID/Org Name/Project Name attributes needs to be added to Project (GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/alerts) / Global (GET /globalAlerts) Alerts API calls and Alert Webhooks.

    Why is it a problem? (the pain) Ops Manager's Org ID/Org Name/Project Name attributes are currently missed in Project (GET /groups/{PROJECT-ID}/alerts) / Global (GET /globalAlerts) Alerts API calls and Alert Webhooks. Operator who watch Monitoring System (the one that receive Ops Manager Alerts) needs to see Ops Manager's Organization ID/Organization Name/Project Name in order to quickly understand to…

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  10. Single Project Programmatic API Keys should not require Org User Admin role for IP Whitelists update

    When setting a Programmatic API Key in the MongoDB Ops Manager for a given Project, it seems Project Owners are unable after setting the Key to update the IP Whitelist as they require Organization User Admin role to perform such action (screenshot attached).

    I guess this makes sense if the same Programmatic API Key is shared between multiple Projects inside the same Organization, but not really if this is applied only to one single Project (i.e. Project Owners should be able to amend the IP Whitelisting of their own API Keys).

    I wonder if this could be enhanced in further…

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  11. 4 votes

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  12. Federate different Ops Manager instances

    When multiple Ops Managers are running across multiple environments it is difficult see the overall picture.
    A a federated dashboard that can provide a view into different environments, see overall list of clusters and some basic information about them.

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  13. Add specific label to Arbiter deployment to distinguish it label-wise

    As per we would like to request to either and/or:

    a) have the operator add a new label to replica and arbiter statefulset deployments to distinguish them from each other
    b) have the ability to add your own labels to specifically the replica OR the arbiter statefulset deployments

    Having the ability to easily filter arbiter statefulsets from non-arbiter statefulsets would be great. This is useful for example for backup tools that run commands on pods based on a combination of labels, to exclude any arbiters from backup.

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  14. Make all metrics used in the Atlas dashboard available for the prometheus integration

    Make all metrics used in the Atlas dashboard available for the prometheus integration (
    Also describe how the current Atlas dashboard metrics are build from those.
    I'm looking especially for the metrics:
    - Max Disk IOPS
    - Queues

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  15. Ops Manager API should be authenticated via Certificate

    Ops Manager API uses HTTP Digest Authentication, this method requires a username and a password which are hashed and provided in the form of registered Ops Manager account, and the password which is a Public API Key associated with that account.

    But as part of security feature we should be allowed to use Authentication based on SSL certificates as we are using for Client connection, This will help to secure the self automation process if we are developing any internally.

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  16. Export Cloud Backup to AWS S3 as CPS

    Currently, the Atlas provides possibility to configure an automated export cloud backups to an AWS S3. It uploads the contents of your database to S3 as gzip files with documents in extended JSON format within. It is possible to restore from these files using mongoimport tool.

    However, for some our use cases we would like to have backups exported to our AWS S3 as CPS (cloud provider snapshots) - actually a snapshot of the database directory at the filesystem level - in order to be able to restore very fast (the import via mongoimport and re-building of indexes can take…

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  17. Allow the services port name prefix customization in Enterprise Kubernetes Operator to support Istio Sidecar requisites

    Istio Sidecar requires services port name prefix with a protocol name, but the services port names created by the Enterprise Kubernetes Operator are not customizable (e.g.)

    • operator-webhook
    • ops-manager-backup-daemon-svc
    • ops-manager-db-svc
    • ops-manager-svc

    It may be possible to allow the customization of these names?

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  18. In Ops Mgr, provision to create users by deployment rather than by project

    Under a project, Now if a user id created, it gets created in all deployments in the projects. Can we have provision to choose which deployment the user gets created.

    For example, for project A, we have three deployments rs1, rs2 & rs3. Now under security tab, if we add a users, this user get access to all deployment. can we have a choice which all deployment the user exist.

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  19. Multiple webhook URLs

    At the moment only one webhook URL can be configured for one Ops Manager project.
    It would be nice if multiple URLs could be used to send the alert to different endpoints by using f.e. a delimiter character inside the config.
    Thanks and regards

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  20. Include full date/time stamps to OpsManager's logfiles: mms0-startup.log and daemon-startup.log

    Currently records in mms0-startup.log and daemon-startup.log only have time stamp in the format: hour:min:sec,milliseconds.
    eg. 08:28:09,558 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback-test.xml]

    It would be useful to include the full date/time stamps to each record as currently we can't say to which day do the records refer to.

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