Export Cloud Backup to AWS S3 as CPS
Currently, the Atlas provides possibility to configure an automated export cloud backups to an AWS S3. It uploads the contents of your database to S3 as gzip files with documents in extended JSON format within. It is possible to restore from these files using mongoimport tool.
However, for some our use cases we would like to have backups exported to our AWS S3 as CPS (cloud provider snapshots) - actually a snapshot of the database directory at the filesystem level - in order to be able to restore very fast (the import via mongoimport and re-building of indexes can take considerable time when restoring from JSON format).
We know that there is an option to download a CPS snapshot manually or via API (https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/api-resources-spec/#tag/Cloud-Backup-Restore-Jobs/operation/restoreOneSnapshotOfOneCluster), but it requires either manual action or some scripting to periodically invoke administration API.
It would be great to complement the automated export to AWS S3 functionality and add possibility of automated exports as CPS.