Ops Tools
238 results found
Managing mongoDB containers having multiple DNS names through automation agent
We got mongoDB running on openshift pods across 2 separate openshift clusters and it runs perfectly fine but we are now facing issue with doing mongoDB restore, and that has led to us now wanting to use automation agent to control the mongod process on the containers.
The major challenge we are facing is that we run into issues when automation agent runs rs.initiate() and as part of the process tries to gather the hostname of the pod by running hostname -f command. The trouble is we have to deal with separate openshift clusters and have got mongod replica set…
1 vote -
Create a User in a Single Cluster
When multiple clusters are added into an Ops Manager project, the only way to create a user account is to add it to all of the clusters in the project and to then add server IP Address restrictions to prevent the user from logging into servers other than the intended cluster. This would still create the user account on all of the clusters in the Ops Manager project.
Users would need a way to create a user account on a specific cluster rather than all of the clusters of the project.
2 votes -
Clear default values for New Replica Set and Cluster Component names in UI
Clear default values for New Replica Set and Cluster Component names in UI
Replica Set and Cluster Component names cannot be changed after deployment.
The names are often overlooked while deploying and the defaults accepted configuring the names.
If the fields were blank but mandatory (maybe with examples below the field) customers would be forced to choose logical names for their deployments.| Field | Current Default Value|
| - | - |
|Replica Set Id | myReplicaSet |
| - | - |
|Cluster Name | myCluster |
|Shard Name Prefix | myShard |
|Config Server Replica Set Name…1 vote -
Ops Manager: Test Failover
The ability to Test Failover was added to Atlas https://docs.atlas.mongodb.com/tutorial/test-failover.
Please add this functionality to Ops Manager in order to facilitate failover testing. This is especially useful in multi-tenant Ops Manager setups.
20 votes -
There is currently no way to use the UI to search a given hostname at a Global Level within an Ops Manager deployment.
Please provide a feature in OM so we can search globally a given HOSTNAME to know about its related Organization/Replica Set
2 votes -
Create Ops Manager API endpoint to download mms0.log files
We should expand the Ops Manager API to provide mms0.log downloads the same way we allow mongod deployment log downloads. This will help users with diagnostics when they deploy many Ops Manager instances via the kubernetes operator but do not yet have centralized logging.
3 votes -
Ability to define a custom CA PEM file for Webhook configuration on Ops Manager
Currently, Ops Manager user may require to add the CA for the TLS enabled Webhook Endpoint directly to the Java Trust Store. Adding CA to Java Trust Store also requires to re-apply if Ops Manager Application is upgraded or re-install.
It would be best to have a feature in Ops Manager so that the user is able to upload the required CA via UI.
1 vote -
Request Logs - Add timeframe to list of options
While diagnosing historical issues "Request Logs" does not allow for selectable timeframes. As such, for these issues, logs must be manually gathered. Adding an optional timeframe will assist in diagnosing issues much faster.
3 votes -
Allow scheduling grooms
Add the ability to schedule groom jobs at a specific point in time. Also expose this functionality through the API for easy modifications through configuration management tools.
11 votes -
OpsManager Application DataBase Backup and Restore
Ops Manager Application needs a way to backup and restore AppDB without Ops Manager Downtime to recover from infrastructure failures or fatal errors.
45 votes -
Data Size on the header of Overview/Real Time/Metrics/Data/Profiler/Performance Advisor pages
Data Size on the header of Overview/Real Time/Metrics/Data/Profiler/Performance Advisor pages appears to be incorrect.
Reasearch indicates that the "Data Size" next to "Status" on the Overview/Real Time/Metrics/Data/Profiler/Performance Advisor pages possibly does not include "local" DB and may have an incorrect divisor.
It also shows the same possibly incorrect value on each Deployment in the "Processes" page.We, DBAs, and our application teams, who have access to the Ops Manager, have been relying on this metric info each time we needed to find the size of a user DB.
1 vote -
Configure Ops Manager LDAP Auth via an API call
Currently, there is no way to enable LDAP Auth for the Ops Manager Users via an API call.
This essentially means that one would not be able to use LDAP and ci/cd simultaneously with Ops Manager.
Mongodb enterprise support has confirmed that in the event of disaster recovery or a deployment of a new cluster, manual steps must be done to enable LDAP during a ci/cd deployment.
It should not be expected to sign in and manually do anything in a web gui in an enterprise solution. It is simply not scalable.
23 votes -
Feature to add the Certificate Authority file to the Ops Manager Java Trust Store via UI
Currently, Ops Manager user may require to add the CA for the TLS enabled destination such as SMTP Server, on-prem S3, Webhook Endpoint, etc directly to the Java Trust Store. Adding CA to Java Trust Store also requires to re-apply if Ops Manager Application is upgraded or re-install.
It would be best to have a feature in Ops Manager so that the user is able to upload the required CA via UI.
2 votes -
Properties option for a server node
Up until Ops Manager version 4.0+, we are/were able to view "Properties" of all servers/Replica sets by clicking on the ellipsis option on the each server. But will the latest versions of Ops Manager, that option is no longer available. We are often looking to quickly identify the allocated resources such as CPU/RAM on servers to help troubleshoot and deduct if we need to add more resources, so this has been a helpful feature we have used. We would very much like to see this feature option to be revived in the current versions of Ops Manager 4.2 and 4.4.4.
2 votes -
Project template defaults for replica set Attributes
Our standard replica set deployments require a number of items to be set in the edit/modify area of each replica set...such as:
redactClientLogDataSince we create hundreds of replica sets the amount of time spent repeatedly setting these attributes, which are considered "default" in our shop, adds up. Having the ability to set a template of defaults per project would save a great deal of time.
2 votes -
Only download to /mms/mongodb-releases/ those versions actually in use in a deployment
/mms/mongodb-releases/ is continually updated with the most current minor release of each major version which can fill the partition.
This request is for "Only download to /mms/mongodb-releases/ those versions actually in use in a deployment"
eg if I am only using 4.2.20 in my actual deployments only download the most recent 4.2.x and not 3.6.x
of course if I do decide to deploy a 3.6.x deployment this FR would need to automatically be bypassed and download my 3.6.x and the most recent 3.6.x.
This request is similar to but not the same as another Feature Request:
Do not download EOL…3 votes -
Add to the Continues Backup UI more information about the snapshots
Currently, the Ops Manager UI under Continues Backup only shows the following information about the snapshots:
- Replica set name
- Status
- Last Snapshot
- Last Oplog SliceIt would be very helpful to also see:
- Start date/time
- Finish date/time
- Backup duration
- Snapshot size8 votes -
Support rolling rebuild index
In some particular situation indexes need to be rebuild.
It would be nice to support a rolling index rebuild like Ops Manager does for the standard create index.3 votes -
Use word, not letter to define log levels in Ops Manager
The following log messages are "info" level messages which can be found in the kubernetes logs from the ops-manager-db pods:
…{"logType":"mongodb","contents":"2020-12-16T02:42:28.557+0000 I WRITE [conn7329] update monitoringstatus.config.agentSessions command: { q: { _id: \"mongodb-rs-1.mongodb-rs-svc.mongodb.svc.cluster.local-48cc126fc451d9fa2ffa7569363971f2-5fbedc8dc354771c77dd1932\", s: \"KHNA9JiqXcos5V0d\" }, u: { $set: { s: \"PRIMARY\", p: true } }, multi: false, upsert: false } planSummary: IXSCAN { _id: 1 } numYields:0 queryHash:6C451E2F planCacheKey:38AD5486 ok:0 errMsg:\"E11000 duplicate key error collection: monitoringstatus.config.agentSessions index: cid_1_s_1 dup key: { cid: ObjectId('5fbedc8dc354771c77dd1932'), s: \\\"PRIMARY\\\" }\" errName:DuplicateKey errCode:11000 locks:{ ParallelBatchWriterMode: { acquireCount: { r: 1 } }, ReplicationStateTransition: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, Global: { acquireCount: { w:
1 vote -
Rewrite Informational Message "E11000 duplicate key error collection"
Rewrite the informational AppDB log message so that monitoring tools such as Dynatrace and Splunk does not consider this message as an error message.
1 vote
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