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  1. Disk Space Grow Rate Metric

    DB Storage metric is not enough for us. We want to know the GROW RATE not the current value. We want to calculate the database used grow rate space regarding, comparing a past value with the current value. The result of the calculation can be positive (grow rate) or negative meaning database space did not grew up in that period. This is important to define tendency and trigger a disk expansion.

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  2. Request "Send SMS Test Message" tab similar to "Admin > Control Panel > Send Test Message" for email.

    This could be useful for testing SMS messages and twilio integrations.

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  3. Repilca Set Election - Even Number of Nodes

    WE have a 4 node replica set and when we removed 2 of the nodes at one time the election process didn't know how to elect a new primary. We would like the election process to accommodate an even number of replica set nodes.

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  4. KMIP Server Host

    Ability to enter multiple values for "KMIP Server Host" under KMIP Server Configuration in the Backup Configuration page of the Ops Manager Config. This would be similar to entering multiple values for 'kmipServerName' for deployments. This would help in terms of HA for KMIP; use a secondary KMIP server if the primary were to be unavailable.

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  5. Disable the dropdown to add Agent functions on hosts that don't have the MongoDB Agent installed and were only imported for Backup/Monitori

    Disable the dropdown to add Agent functions on hosts that don't have the MongoDB Agent installed and were only imported for Backup/Monitoring.
    The elipsis (...) selections to add Monitoring & Backup Agent functions are available on hosts without the MongoDB Agent. If selected the function appears on the host as grey and standby. This is misleading. The options should not be available on hosts without the MongoDB Agent.

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  6. Activate multiple monitoring module in appDB monitoring project

    On Servers Page, Activate/Deactivate Monitoring/Backup module should be activated. So that multiple monitoring module should be activated for hot stand by.

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  7. Remote Address and Remote Port information shold be provided as part of the Public API global events for all DATA_EXPLORER_CRUD

    When requesting Audit events using the Public API Global events,
    not all events provide the Remote Address and Remote Port.

    some commands like "find" does present the Remote Port/IP, but others such as updateDocument, insertDocument and deleteDocument do not.

    the info is there so why some events present it and some don't?

    is it possible to formulate a unify base fields for all events that will include the Remote Address, Remote Port?


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  8. Connect Tab in UI should show a replica set (instead of a host) connection string if deployment is a replica set

    I have a 3-node replica set deployment. When I retrieve the connection string to the cluster via OM UI, it shows a single node connection string

    mongo --host --port 27017

    I expect it should show a connection string which includes all hostnames, or something equivalent, if deployment is a replica set.

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  9. More fine granular OpsManger roles for API CRUD operations

    More fine granular OpsManger roles for API CRUD operations

    In order to generate API Keys users need some pretty powerful role Same for project API Keys

    Our understanding is that user who can create api keys could also self promote themselves to super admins which is something we don't want and would be a security concern to us. (And admins normally have access to far more things than just user mgmt)

    Additionally it would be beneficial to pass in an desired api key - e.g. for initial provisioning and give admins the chance to reset/rotate an…

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  10. Incorporate Support CASE management into the OPS Manager, i.e. open a case, upload traces to the case etc

    Incorporate Support CASE management into the OPS Manager, i.e. open a case, upload required traces to the case and maybe even automatically create a support case for some critical problems.... Minimally I'd like to be able to upload required traces directly from sevrer(s) using wget/curl functionality and attach the upload files to the existing support case(s).

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  11. job scheduling from Ops Manager

    Please provide job scheduling from Ops Manager, should be able to run Database jobs and non database jobs, shows history of jobs, options to purge job history.

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  12. Provide a feature to monitor the Alert payload being sent out from Ops Manager to the configured Webhook endpoint and etc.

    What is the problem that needs to be solved?
    Provide a feature to monitor the Alerts payload being sent out from Ops Manager to the configured Webhook endpoint and other AlertsServices endpoint.

    Why is it a problem? (the pain)
    Currently, Ops Manager does not log the successful/failed payload of the Alerts being sent out to the configured Webhook endpoint. It is difficult to diagnose the problem with the configured Alert Services.

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  13. Create localhost exception for POST /unauth/users API call

    The purpose of this request is for Ops Manager to implement a "localhost exception" for the API call POST /unauth/users so it can only be executed under two conditions:
    1. No other users exists in the setup.
    1. Ops Manager runs in "invitation only" mode.
    1. Ops Manager has not been configured for LDAP.
    1. The API call can only originate from an IP or alias that belongs to one of the Ops Manager Application server.

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  14. MongoDB Agent alters the root $PATH variable

    The MongoDB Agent installation via RPM adds the /var/lib/mongodb-mms-automation/bin to root's $PATH by placing the script under the /etc/profile.d:
    $ pwd
    $ sudo cat
    export PATH=/var/lib/mongodb-mms-automation/bin:${PATH}

    This breaks my customers security standards.

    Moving the script does not appear to affect the functionality of the MongoDB Agent and updating the agent via the OM UI does not add back the script.

    We would like the ability to either select the contents of the MongoDB Agent rpm or be asked during the rpm installation whether or not to install the script.

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  15. Allow configuring custom builds at the organisation or global level (Admin panel)

    It must be done at the project level at the moment, generating an operational costs for those environments with a large number of projects.

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  16. Provide safety mechanism for limiting MongoDB versions amongst different projects

    Restrict the user depending on the type of project: dev, prod, etc to select a specific set of MongoDB Server versions that can be deployed.

    Prior to 4.2 this was accomplished with version manager.

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  17. Ops Mgr "Insufficient oplog size" is confusing and prevents backups

    When using Ops Manager UI (I've not checked the API) to declare a MongoDB cluster to be backed up, Ops Manager tries to be a good citizen and check to see if the clusters oplogs are large enough, based on their recent usage to hold at least 3 hours worth of data based on the last 24 hours of usage patterns. if the check fails, the user is prevented from enabling backup and is shown the warning:

    "Insufficient oplog size: The oplog window must be at least 3 hours over the last 24 hours for all members of replica set…

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  18. Allow to configure separate SNMP v2C community for SNMP v2C Heartbeat Traps and SNMP v2C Alert Traps

    What is the problem that needs to be solved? Allow to configure separate SNMP v2C community for SNMP v2C Heartbeat Traps and SNMP v2C Alert Traps.

    Why is it a problem? (the pain) As of now (2020-03-24) there's no way to configure separate SNMP v2C community for SNMP v2C Heartbeat Traps and SNMP v2C Alert Traps ( controls both, Heartbeat and Alert Traps sent from Ops Manager's Application Server), some SNMP Monitoring Teams require different SNMP v2C communities for different set of SNMP v2C Traps (to separate Heartbeat Traps and Alert Traps).

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  19. Group Host Mapping IPs to be added by default to Programmatic API Keys IP Whitelisting

    As part of the Programmatic API Keys introduced in MongoDB Ops Manager 4.2, it would be good to have the IPs listed in the Host Mappings of a Project Deployment to be added as default whitelisted IPs when setting up a Programmatic API Key for same Project.

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  20. The Backup Daemon auto downloads all old Mongodb versions

    If "Backup Versions Auto Download" is set to true on the Admin > General > Ops Manager Config > MISCELLANEOUS tab, then the backup daemon automatically downloads all older major versions of the software.
    In my opinion, it would be better if you could either select the version/s which you want or it only downloaded versions equal to or higher than your current version.
    All the old versions take up disk space and can only be deleted if the setting is changed to false.

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