Right-click context menu for Mongosh console window in Compass
Hi, Mongo folks,
I've been using the mongosh window in Compass lately (the dark-background ">_MONGOSH" panel at the bottom), and having a bit of inconvenience with text editing.
Because AFAIK, Compass doesn't have a "script editor" window like SSMS or some IDEs where you can edit a file and execute it, I end up doing a lot of copy-and-pasting between Compass's Mongosh pane and external text editors. I also do a lot of scrolling up and down because the JSON output of Mongo queries and operations tends to be long.
This text copy-and-pasting is a little incovenient, because I have to use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V and the like, and end up switching my hand back and forth between the keyboard, because I'm not a good enough typist to chord Ctrl+C/V with just my left hand. There seems to be no right-click mouse context menu in the Mongosh area where I could click and do Copy/Paste/Select-All and similar text editing operations, like there is in many text editors and console GUI things. When I right-click in the Mongosh console area, nothing happens.
Maybe you could add a right-click context menu to the Mongosh console area so users could do mouse-driven text manipulation? I think that'd be convenient.
Also, it seems like the Select All action (Edit menu > Select All), when done in the Mongosh console area, limits the selection to one result or one section of the console session. Like, when I click and focus on the part where you're typing stuff in, Select All seems to do nothing. And when I select a bit of a result and do Select All, the selection area is pretty limited, like pictured in this attachment. It would be nice to be able to do a Select All to select the entire mongosh console session contents there, so I could copy it out to a script for records, or to a more powerful external text editor for subsetting and navigating through it. A dedicated File > Save Session Contents As... menu option might not be out of place either.