Feature Request: Add simplified parallel insertion command syntax
I want to have a (maybe per server) setting dialog where I can enter a custom JS function that returns any of the mongoDB supported datatypes for the primary key (_id or id - usually String, ObjectId or NumberLong) and is then used everytime I insert a new document in mongoDB compasst.
I was testing deduplication functionality I implemented in my app and I had to repeat the process several times. As my IDs were UUIDv4 strings, I needed extra steps after duplicating the documents with the duplicate button on the document in the preview list because otherwise the mongoDB Java driver would throw Exceptions on deserialization attempt.
Possible Implementation
Add a new section in the server settings area where I can enter the code.
Required fields:
"Default id field name" -> suggest either "_id" or "id"
Id generator: choose one of
** ObjectId
** UUIDv4 (String)
** TinyUUID / KSUID / other common types (e.g. https://github.com/segmentio/ksuid) -> as String
** NumberLong (automatically queries the max(id) and adds 1000 for the next ID to use - for more resilience when there is an app writing new documents while you also manually add a document)