43 results found
Multiple DB Connection
The new UI for multiple connection on a single window is confusing sometimes.
use case:
we have dev, stage and prod DB connected with same collections. We can't identify from tabs, with which DB that specific collection is connected. we have to check manually one by one opening the tabs.
and bit risky at some times.1 vote -
connect by open tree
Connect to DB by clicking on "open collection tree arrow" see screenshot
1 vote -
Categories for Connections
I am working for several companies. Each company has several mongo server, so it would be nice to categorize each connection for each company in a tree list. This would clean up the collection list a lot.
1 vote -
Disable the proxy pane for standard user to be allowed to manipulate the settings
There should be an option for admins to either enter:
A- Set to a manual
b- none
c- system proxyso its enforced - rather than grant a standard user that concept of tampering with settings
in the config file mongodb-compass.conf so that it is enforced on machines -- and most importantly managed1 vote -
Removing a connection needs to show you a confirmation dialog
Removing a connection needs to show you a confirmation dialog
2 votes -
1 vote
Main screen option new connection
In the 1.43 version on the main screen I had the option to connect to the cluster, without the need to save the connection, would you go back with this option?
1 vote -
Dynamic credential refresh
MongoDb Compass requires a full restart when environment variables or connection credentials (connection strting, username, password) are changed. This is inefficient for users working in dynamic environments where credentials change frequently. ex: Rotating secrets or Temporary access token.
There should be a way to refresh those credentials either by rereading the env variables or having a button or a configuration that would be available to do that. This is moslty for AWS, I can start mongo compass from cli and it will use my env variables but there is no way for me to refresh it for mongodb.1 vote -
Store Atlas Login Creds in Compass
If i want to use mongo generate query feature, i need to login to atlas everytime. Need compass to store the login creds and auto login.
3 votes -
Define Port for ssh tunneling
If it would be possible to define the local routed port, some things like mongodump and mongorestore could be easily used outside of mongodb compass.
1 vote -
Atlas UI Custom RBAC
Our organization leverages Okta for SAML/SSO authentication, and have terraformed our role mappings to the MongoDB Atlas provided Org and Project roles. There is currently a feature to create custom DB roles, however, custom RBAC for the Atlas UI is not available. This would be greatly beneficial for meeting separation of duties requirements and granting least privileged access for our user community. Is this a feature that the Mongo Atlas team is pursuing?
1 vote -
Compass: saved connections search field
I'd like to have a text field to search for a specific connection in all my saved connections.
1 vote -
Prompt for password
As a security conscious user, I do not want to store my password in Compass, and would prefer to have Compass prompt me for my password when it's blank in the connection manager. This way I can avoid multiple mouse clicks to drill into where I need to enter the password, or sometimes I forget that I need to do that because every other DB tool I've used will prompt.
1 vote -
Mongo Client for Edge Functions
Need a Mongo Client which can be used in Edge Functions like Cloudflare, Vercel, Deno, etc.
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1 vote
MongoDB Compass can have a Account Section
MongoDB Compass can have a option to sign in so that users can log in to their account can directly access their Atlas Clusters without having headache to get connection string and paste it here
2 votes -
AWS IAM in Compass is MFA protected & uses shortly expiring tokens
AWS IAM auth in Compass should be a password/token-copypaste-less, MFA-protected experience that uses shortly-expiring tokens, invisibly to the user. Said differently, selecting AWS IAM creds should prompt me with an { AWS config, MFA challenge } form/flow, and not an {{{ accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken }}} form as it does today.
5 votes -
Support ssh certificates when connecting via ssh
Per this forum post Compass does not support the use of ssh certificates.
2 votes -
SSH private key - Ask for passphrase each time
I would like to be able to enter the SSH private key passphrase every time I connect to the DB like in NoSQLBooster or Robo 3T.
1 vote -
Need "Inactive" sessions "Terminated" connected via Compass to MongoDB
Need "Inactive" sessions "Terminated" which have been connected via Compass to MongoDB and idle for more than x minutes. This feature is not full available. As per MongoDB support maxIdleTimeMS -- "Compass supports that option but please note that this won't close the session, will only collect idle connections in the pool and wouldn't really be noticed on the user end.
For you to be aware, this request was already discussed internally as a missing option so it would be good if you can provide some additional feedback in our official website for our Product managers to consider."3 votes
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