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  1. As a developer using extended JSON strict mode queries, I need Compass to also support queries in strict mode

    Compass should support extended JSON strict mode queries in queries on the Documents, Schema and Explain Plan tabs.

    As an example, the error message in Compass 1.14.7 for an "$oid" query is:

    unknown operator: $oid

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  2. Visual rule builder for schema validation

    In Compass, it is possible to create validation rules to enforce a schema. It would be good to be able to generate these rules with a simple, visual editor, instead of having to know the MQL or JSON Schema syntax for the validation rules.

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  3. Support SSH tunnel to Atlas with AWS Private Endpoint

    Compass cannot connect via ssh tunnel with SRV connection string when the MongoDB server is behind Private Endpoint.

    looks like Private Endpoint appear 3 different ports for each replica.

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  4. Share aggregation pipelines across clusters/namespaces and with other people

    Aggregations can be saved in Compass but they are only accessible in the Aggregation Builder for the specific cluster and namespace. It would be good to be able to reuse pipelines across different clusters and namespaces (e.g. I build it against my staging database but then I want to also test it in prod).

    It would also be great to have a way to share a library of pipelines with the rest of the team. In the ideal scenario, pipelines would be versioned and multiple people would be able to contribute to a shared library of pipelines.

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    With the new My Queries screen we introduced in Compass 1.31 it's possible to see and search for all queries and aggregations in one place and if the namespace they were originally built against is not available in the current cluster, it's possible to apply them to a different namespace.

    Sharing with other people is not possible yet but from the My Queries screen it's possible to copy a pipeline in one click.

  5. Allow use of keyboard to select a data type

    When adding a value, I cannot use my keyboard to switch between data types (like a typical dropdown).

    Example, if I use TAB, it should highlight the dropdown, then I can hit "T" which would automatically select timestamp.

    This is the normal function of dropdowns in the web - since this is an Electron app, it shouldn't be too difficult to implement.

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  6. Historical log of slow operations

    Compass's "slowest operations" feature in the performance tab has been very helpful for debugging collection scans due to missing indexes.

    The only problem is that I have to sit there and watch it to try and "catch" the slow operations with a click before they disappear. I'm running many databases on this server, and the server is talked to by many web servers running various apps and tools, and my debugging process usually starts with noticing spikes in the Operation Execution Time (from the free monitoring page).

    There are obviously other ways to log slow operations, but I've found Compass…

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  7. SSL - Allow access to Trusted Root Certification Authorities in Windows

    Allow Compass to access the Trusted Root Certification Authorities Certificate Store in Windows to be able to connect via SSL with a system-wide root CA file (without explicitly specifying the CA file).

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  8. Add ability to setup delimiter for csv export

    Please add ability to setup delimiter for csv export. For example if values of fields are text, than they could contain comma ( and semicollon) and csv file is off. There needs to be options such as comma, semicollon, tab ...

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  9. Configurable sample size in schema analyzer

    Sometimes larger or smaller sampling sizes (default is 1000) are desired since queries are taking too long or the sample size is not statistically useful.

    Could be a part of progressive loading/sampling.

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  10. Improve Index utilization information for unprivileged users

    If a user is not privileged to call $indexStats, Compass is showing a 0 as value for index usages, which is misleading. Instead it would better to indicate that the indexStats could not be fetched.

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  11. 3 votes

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  12. Kill switch for Aggregation Pipeline queries

    This would be useful for working with big collections(10 mil+).

    When i define aggregation pipeline in Compass, and increase timeout to some high value(because it's big collection so the pipeline can easily run for minutes and let it run, and than while it's running i change some of the stages to something else - due to that intentionally big timeout, i have to now wait before the first query ends, and then try to run the new one.

    A kill switch, either manual or automatic on stage change would help with this

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  13. 17 votes

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  14. Display GeoJSON types other than points in Schema Map view

    I have a data set which contains both GeoJSON polygons and GeoJSON LinesStrings.  It would be really useful to be able to see these rendered in the map view in the Schema tab.

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  15. Cast _id: number to string

    Every time I type { _id: 12345 } in the Filter, I get zero results, until I realize that I forgot the quotes. Could Compass automatically convert numeric _id values to strings before running the query?

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  16. Inserting images to MongoDB Compass so we can manually insert images without using api or something

    Sorry for being new here.

    Think I have an idea to enable Compass to insert images manually. Thanks!

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  17. warn about stale IP address whitelisting

    For people who work on wireless networks, if you come back after the weekend the IP address has often changed. If you are working with whitelisting, you now have the surprising situation that your connection string no longer works.

    The sidebar in Compass gives instructions on getting the connection string or how to format it, but no reminder that connections that recently worked might be unusable now because the IP address whitelisting is now out of date.

    In addition, Compass might list your IPv4 and IPv6 to let you know what these values are instead of requiring to go to…

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  18. The option to prevent automatic query in Documents tab.

    Once clicking on the collection in the sidebar, the sample of 20 documents automatically are retrieved and displayed in the Documents tab. In some environments with large document size and network latency, MongoDB Compass UI blocks interaction until the query has timed out.

    The option to prevent automatic query in Documents tab would be ideal to prevent this issue.

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  19. updating the collection informations on top right

    even if you click on two refresh buttons (see the attached print screen), Compass does not update the information

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  20. Checkbox to deselect all fields when importing csv files

    When importing csv files, I did not find the checkbox to deselect all fields. There were 60 fields, I needed just two of them. I had to click 58 times to deselect the not needed fields.

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