Better streamlined logs in GCP
Running Application and MongoDB in the same public cloud provider. Want to have logs in one place so that in case of any issues, I can debug any production issues properly. For example, in our Development or local environment, we have everything running on Docker Desktop and MongoDB on local Windows laptop. Using Docker tilt - Dev team can see UI, Service tier and backend(MongoDB) logs one after the other in one place. If the request is timing out, we can see that it's a collection scan that is happening not index scan so we need to either create the index or fine tune our query or change the code - making it super easy. But in our GCP Production every thing runs in GCP kubernetes and logs are stderr and stdout of kubernetes and app but no mongoDB even when MongoDB is deployed within GCP. GCP support stated that we can install Google Cloud Ops Agent can be installed to forward the logs to GCP but it seems that won't work as there will be lag. We were told to do a lot of work to make it work which is error prone. It should be out of the box so that any users are not tempted to use cloud native DB solutions that comes with public cloud and still use MongoDB. Please refer Case #01336915